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2024-09-26Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Rhadamanthys Stealer Adds Innovative AI Feature in Version 0.7.0
2024-07-16Recorded FutureInsikt Group
TAG-100 Uses Open-Source Tools in Suspected Global Espionage Campaign, Compromising Two Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Bodies
Cobalt Strike
2024-05-13Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Exploring the Depths of SolarMarker's Multi-tiered Infrastructure
2024-02-17Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Russia-Aligned TAG-70 Targets European Government and Military Mail Servers in New Espionage Campaign
Unidentified JS 006 (Winter Wyvern)
2024-01-09Recorded FutureInsikt Group
2023 Adversary Infrastructure Report
AsyncRAT Cobalt Strike Emotet PlugX ShadowPad
2023-09-19Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Multi-year Chinese APT Campaign Targets South Korean Academic, Government, and Political Entities
Korlia Tonto Team
2023-08-07Recorded FutureInsikt Group
RedHotel: A Prolific, Chinese State-Sponsored Group Operating at a Global Scale
Winnti Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike FunnySwitch PlugX ShadowPad Spyder Earth Lusca
2023-08-02Recorded FutureInsikt Group
BlueCharlie, Previously Tracked as TAG 53, Continues to Deploy New Infrastructure in 2023
2023-08-02Recorded FutureInsikt Group
BlueCharlie, Previously Tracked as TAG-53, Continues to Deploy New Infrastructure in 2023
2023-07-27Recorded FutureInsikt Group
BlueBravo Adapts to Target Diplomatic Entities with GraphicalProton Malware
GraphDrop GraphicalNeutrino QUARTERRIG
2023-06-20Recorded FutureInsikt Group
BlueDelta Exploits Ukrainian Government Roundcube Mail Servers to Support Espionage Activities
2023-06-20Recorded FutureInsikt Group
BlueDelta Exploits Ukrainian Government Roundcube Mail Servers to Support Espionage Activities
2023-05-16Recorded FutureInsikt Group
OilAlpha: A Likely Pro-Houthi Group Targeting Entities Across the Arabian Peninsula
2023-04-20Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Xiaoqiying/Genesis Day Threat Actor Group Targets South Korea, Taiwan
2023-03-30Recorded FutureInsikt Group
With KEYPLUG, China’s RedGolf Spies On, Steals From Wide Field of Targets
KEYPLUG Cobalt Strike PlugX RedGolf
2023-01-26Recorded FutureInsikt Group
BlueBravo Uses Ambassador Lure to Deploy GraphicalNeutrino Malware
GraphicalNeutrino APT29
2022-12-22Recorded FutureInsikt Group
RedDelta Targets European Government Organizations and Continues to Iterate Custom PlugX Variant
2022-12-05Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Exposing TAG-53’s Credential Harvesting Infrastructure Used for Russia-Aligned Espionage Operations
2022-12-05Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Exposing TAG-53’s Credential Harvesting Infrastructure Used for Russia-Aligned Espionage Operations
2022-11-29Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Suspected Iran-Nexus TAG-56 Uses UAE Forum Lure for Credential Theft Against US Think Tank