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2025-02-27Check Point ResearchItay Cohen
Modern Approach to Attributing Hacktivist Groups
2023-05-16Check Point ResearchItay Cohen, Radoslaw Madej
The Dragon Who Sold his Camaro: Analyzing a Custom Router Implant
Horse Shell Camaro Dragon
2021-02-22Check Point ResearchEyal Itkin, Itay Cohen
The Story of Jian – How APT31 Stole and Used an Unknown Equation Group 0-Day
2021-02-22Check Point ResearchEyal Itkin, Itay Cohen
The Story of Jian – How APT31 Stole and Used an Unknown Equation Group 0-Day
2020-12-17Twitter (@megabeets_)Itay Cohen
Tweet on SUNBURST malware discussing some of its evasion techniques
2020-10-26CheckpointEyal Itkin, Itay Cohen
Exploit Developer Spotlight: The Story of PlayBit
Dyre Maze PyLocky Ramnit REvil
2020-10-02Check Point ResearchEyal Itkin, Itay Cohen
Graphology of an Exploit – Hunting for exploits by looking for the author’s fingerprints
2019-04-24Check Point ResearchItay Cohen
Deobfuscating APT32 Flow Graphs with Cutter and Radare2
2018-11-30Check PointItay Cohen
The Evolution of BackSwap
2018-08-20Check PointBen Herzog, Itay Cohen
Ryuk Ransomware: A Targeted Campaign Break-Down
2018-05-21MegaBeetsItay Cohen
Decrypting APT33’s Dropshot Malware with Radare2 and Cutter – Part 1