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2023-11-14ProofpointJoshua Miller
TA402 Uses Complex IronWind Infection Chains to Target Middle East-Based Government Entities
IronWind TA402
2022-09-13ProofpointAlexander Rausch, Joshua Miller, Kyle Eaton
Look What You Made Me Do: TA453 Uses Multi-Persona Impersonation to Capitalize on FOMO
2022-07-14ProofpointCrista Giering, Joshua Miller, Michael Raggi, Proofpoint Threat Research Team
Above the Fold and in Your Inbox: Tracing State-Aligned Activity Targeting Journalists, Media
Chinoxy APT31 Lazarus Group TA482
2022-04-07Twitter (@ChicagoCyber)Joshua Miller
Tweet on TA455 (Iranian threat actor) IoCs
2022-02-08ProofpointGeorgi Mladenov, Joshua Miller, Konstantin Klinger
Ugg Boots 4 Sale: A Tale of Palestinian-Aligned Espionage
BrittleBush NimbleMamba TA402
2021-07-28ProofpointCrista Giering, Joshua Miller, Michael Raggi
I Knew You Were Trouble: TA456 Targets Defense Contractor with Alluring Social Media Persona
Liderc SysKit
2021-07-12ProofpointCrista Giering, Joshua Miller, Threat Research Team
Operation SpoofedScholars: A Conversation with TA453
2021-03-30ProofpointJoshua Miller, Proofpoint Threat Research Team
BadBlood: TA453 Targets US and Israeli Medical Research Personnel in Credential Phishing Campaigns