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2022-11-15Kaspersky LabsJornt van der Wiel, Konstantin Zykov
DTrack activity targeting Europe and Latin America
2020-08-13Kaspersky LabsKonstantin Zykov
CactusPete APT group’s updated Bisonal backdoor
Korlia Tonto Team
2019-09-23Kaspersky LabsKonstantin Zykov
Hello! My name is Dtrack
2019-06-27Kaspersky LabsKonstantin Zykov
Criminals, ATMs and a cup of coffee
2019-02-19Kaspersky LabsKonstantin Zykov
ATM robber WinPot: a slot machine instead of cutlets
2017-10-10Kaspersky LabsKonstantin Zykov
ATMii: a small but effective ATM robber