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2023-06-12The DFIR ReportMaxime Thiebaut
A Truly Graceful Wipe Out
FlawedGrace Silence
2023-05-21Github (0xThiebaut)Maxime Thiebaut
IcedID QakBot
2023-03-20NVISO LabsMaxime Thiebaut
IcedID’s VNC Backdoors: Dark Cat, Anubis & Keyhole
2021-10-04nvisoMaxime Thiebaut
Phish, Phished, Phisher: A Quick Peek Inside a Telegram Harvester
2021-09-02nvisoMaxime Thiebaut
Anatomy and Disruption of Metasploit Shellcode
2021-04-26nvisoMaxime Thiebaut
Anatomy of Cobalt Strike’s DLL Stager
Cobalt Strike
2020-09-01nvisoBart Parys, Didier Stevens, Dries Boone, Maxime Thiebaut, Michel Coene
Epic Manchego – atypical maldoc delivery brings flurry of infostealers
Azorult NjRAT