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2024-04-17MicrosoftClint Watts, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
Russian US election interference targets support for Ukraine after slow start
2024-04-17MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
Nation-states engage in US-focused influence operations ahead of US presidential election
2024-04-04MicrosoftClint Watts, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
China tests US voter fault lines and ramps AI content to boost its geopolitical interests
2024-04-01MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
Same targets, new playbooks: East Asia threat actors employ unique methods
2023-09-07MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
Sophistication, scope, and scale: Digital threats from East Asia increase in breadth and effectiveness
MUSTANG PANDA Raspberry Typhoon
2023-09-01MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
Russia’s influence networks in Sahel activated after coups