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2017-10-30Kaspersky LabsGhareeb Saad, Mohamad Amin Hasbini
Gaza Cybergang – updated activity in 2017:
2016-08-17Kaspersky LabsMohamad Amin Hasbini
Operation Ghoul: targeted attacks on industrial and engineering organizations
OpGhoul Operation Ghoul
2016-08-17Kaspersky LabsMohamad Amin Hasbini
Operation Ghoul: targeted attacks on industrial and engineering organizations
2015-09-28Kaspersky LabsGhareeb Saad, Mohamad Amin Hasbini
Gaza cybergang, where’s your IR team?
2015-02-17Kaspersky LabsGhareeb Saad, Mohamad Amin Hasbini
The Desert Falcons targeted attacks