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2022-12-08Cisco TalosTiago Pereira
Breaking the silence - Recent Truebot activity
Clop Cobalt Strike FlawedGrace Raspberry Robin Silence Teleport
2022-03-17CiscoCaitlin Huey, Tiago Pereira
From BlackMatter to BlackCat: Analyzing two attacks from one affiliate
BlackCat BlackMatter BlackCat BlackMatter
2021-12-02CiscoTiago Pereira
Magnat campaigns use malvertising to deliver information stealer, backdoor and malicious Chrome extension
Azorult RedLine Stealer
2021-10-04CiscoTiago Pereira
Threat hunting in large datasets by clustering security events
BazarBackdoor TrickBot
2021-09-16CiscoTiago Pereira, Vitor Ventura
Operation Layover: How we tracked an attack on the aviation industry to five years of compromise
AsyncRAT Houdini NjRAT
2018-02-02BitSightTiago Pereira
Break Out Of The Tinynuke Malware