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2025-01-13SekoiaAmaury G., Erwan Chevalier, Félix Aime, Maxime A.
Double-Tap Campaign: Russia-nexus APT possibly related to APT28 conducts cyber espionage on Central Asia and Kazakhstan diplomatic relations
2025-01-13SekoiaAmaury G., Erwan Chevalier, Félix Aime, Maxime A.
Double-Tap Campaign: Russia-nexus APT possibly related to APT28 conducts cyber espionage on Central Asia and Kazakhstan diplomatic relations
2024-11-13SekoiaColine Chavane, Sekoia TDR
A three-beat waltz: The ecosystem behind Chinese state-sponsored cyber threats
2024-10-17SekoiaQuentin Bourgue, Sekoia TDR
ClickFix tactic: The Phantom Meet
Rhadamanthys Stealc
2024-07-15SekoiaSekoia TDR
MuddyWater replaces Atera by custom MuddyRot implant in a recent campaign
2024-07-02SekoiaQuentin Bourgue
Exposing FakeBat loader: distribution methods and adversary infrastructure
BlackCat Royal Ransom EugenLoader Carbanak Cobalt Strike DICELOADER Gozi IcedID Lumma Stealer NetSupportManager RAT Pikabot RedLine Stealer SectopRAT Sliver SmokeLoader Vidar
2024-06-05SekoiaCharles Meslay
Reverse engineering of malicious code in CTI - Analysis of the evolution of an infection chain (Paper)
2024-06-05SekoiaCharles Meslay
The reverse engineering of malicious code in the ITC - Analysis of the evolution of a chain of infection (Slides)
2024-06-03SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Sekoia TDR
PikaBot: a Guide to its Deep Secrets and Operations
2024-05-21SekoiaAmaury G., Coline Chavane, Kilian Seznec, Sekoia TDR
Master of Puppets: Uncovering the DoppelGänger pro-Russian influence campaign
2024-04-29Twitter (@sekoia_io)sekoia
@sekoia_io's tweet about the (not so) new infostealer, named ACR Stealer
ACR Stealer
2024-03-14SekoiaAmaury G., Grégoire Clermont, Livia Tibirna, Maël SARP, Marine PICHON, Vincent HINDERER, Ziad MASLAH
Unveiling the depths of Residential Proxies providers
2024-03-01SekoiaSekoia TDR
NoName057(16)’s DDoSia project: 2024 updates and behavioural shifts
2024-02-22SekoiaLivia Tibirna, Pierre-Antoine D., Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
Scattered Spider laying new eggs
2024-01-01SekoiaQuentin Bourgue
Tycoon 2FA: an in-depth analysis of the latest version of the AiTM phishing kit
2023-12-13SekoiaSekoia TDR
CALISTO doxxing: findings concurs to Reuters’ investigation on FSB-related Andrey Korinets
2023-11-20SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis
DarkGate Internals
2023-10-16SekoiaQuentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
ClearFake: a newcomer to the “fake updates” threats landscape
2023-09-14SekoiaLivia Tibirna mid-2023 Ransomware Threat Landscape
8Base Akira Cactus Storm-1567
2023-09-12SekoiaLivia Tibirna, Maxime A
The Transportation sector cyber threat overview
Cyber Partisans