win.reedbed (Back to overview)



ReedBed, identified as a malware proxy backdoor, is suspected to be developed by QAKBOT devs, and was deployed by the threat actor Storm-1811 in campaigns observed during late October and early November 2024. These campaigns are typically initiated with email bombing, a tactic involving mass email distribution, followed by social engineering strategies where the actor impersonates help desk personnel to gain access to victim systems.

Upon execution, ReedBed ensures single-instance operation via the mutex "JhishdiI2Uhsvoc94keiojn7ns19m0do" and hooks critical system APIs (NtCreateUserProcess, RtlExitUserProcess) for defense evasion, process interference, and anti-termination. It reads its Command and Control (C2) configuration, typically from the "Software\TitanPlus" registry key, establishes a persistent SSL/TLS encrypted connection, and transmits an initial system information beacon. Subsequently, ReedBed enters its main operational loop, acting as a versatile network proxy based on C2 commands; this includes initiating outgoing TCP connections, relaying data bi-directionally, and establishing reverse SOCKS5 (with authentication) or direct TCP port mapping services via locally opened listening ports. If commanded or upon connection failure, it transitions into a restart/wait cycle guided by registry values, leveraging its hooked exit function to hinder termination before attempting to reconnect to the C2.

2025-03-10LevelBlueKen Ng
Prevent, Detect, Contain: LevelBlue MDR’s Guide Against Black Basta Affiliates’ Attacks
Black Basta Black Basta ReedBed
2025-03-03Trend MicroAdam O'Connor, Catherine Loveria, Gabriel Cardoso, Ian Kenefick, Jack Walsh, Jovit Samaniego, Lucas Silva, Stephen Carbery
Black Basta and Cactus Ransomware Groups Add BackConnect Malware to Their Arsenal
Black Basta Black Basta Cactus ReedBed
2025-02-20ReliaquestJohn Dilgen
48 Minutes: How Fast Phishing Attacks Exploit Weaknesses
2025-01-31ConnectWiseBlake Eakin
Attackers Leveraging Microsoft Teams Defaults and Quick Assist for Social Engineering Attacks
Black Basta Black Basta ReedBed
Ongoing Email Bombing Campaigns leading to Remote Access and Post-Exploitation
Black Basta ReedBed UNC4393
2025-01-25SophosAnthony Bradshaw, Colin Cowie, Daniel Souter, Hunter Neal, Mark Parsons, Sean Baird, Sean Gallagher
Sophos MDR tracks two ransomware campaigns using “email bombing,” Microsoft Teams “vishing”
ReedBed STAC5143 UNC4393
2025-01-23Github (PaloAltoNetworks)Brad Duncan
Cluster of Infrastructure likely used by Affiliate of Dark Scorpius (Black Basta)
2025-01-21Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Twitter Thread describing spotting of ReedBed in a Storm-1811 campaign
ReedBed UNC4393
2025-01-20Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Jonathan Mccay, Joshua Platt
Qbot is Back.Connect
ReedBed UNC4393
Yara Rules
[TLP:WHITE] win_reedbed_w0 (20250218 | detects the loader for reedbed)
rule win_reedbed_w0 {
        author = "defender2yara"
        detection_name = "Trojan:Win64/ReedBed.B!ldr"
        threat_id = "2147927915"
        type = "Trojan"
        platform = "Win64: Windows 64-bit platform"
        family = "ReedBed"
        description = "detects the loader for reedbed"
        severity = "Critical"
        info = "ldr: loader component of a malware"
        signature_type = "SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT"
        threshold = "1"
        strings_accuracy = "Low"
        malpedia_reference = ""
        malpedia_rule_date = "20250218"
        malpedia_hash = ""
        malpedia_version = "20250218"
        malpedia_license = "CC BY-SA 4.0"
        malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE"
        $x_1_1 = {4c 8b 71 30 41 bf 01 00 00 ?? 4c 23 f0 48 03 d9 45 2b e7 44 8b 5b 20 41 f7 d4 4c 8d 43 18 4d 0b de 48 8b f2}  //weight: 1, accuracy: Low
        (filesize < 20MB) and
        (all of ($x*))
[TLP:WHITE] win_reedbed_w1 (20250218 | detects the reedbed payload)
rule win_reedbed_w1 {
        author = "defender2yara"
        detection_name = "Trojan:Win64/ReedBed.A"
        threat_id = "2147927914"
        type = "Trojan"
        platform = "Win64: Windows 64-bit platform"
        family = "ReedBed"
        description = "detects the reedbed payload"
        severity = "Critical"
        signature_type = "SIGNATURE_TYPE_PEHSTR_EXT"
        threshold = "2"
        strings_accuracy = "High"
        malpedia_reference = ""
        malpedia_rule_date = "20250218"
        malpedia_hash = ""
        malpedia_version = "20250218"
        malpedia_license = "CC BY-SA 4.0"
        malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE"
        $x_1_1 = "HookNtCreateUserProcess(): ok!" ascii //weight: 1
        $x_1_2 = "HookRtlExitUserProcess(): RtlExitUserProcess not found hNtdll=%#p" ascii //weight: 1
        $x_1_3 = "\\bc_ssl_client." ascii //weight: 1
        $x_1_4 = "send_pipe_ssl(): SSL_write(): SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE" ascii //weight: 1
        (filesize < 20MB) and
        (2 of ($x*))
Download all Yara Rules