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2024-10-22NCSC UKNCSC UK
Malware Analysis Report: Pigmy Goat
2024-10-10NCSC UKNCSC UK
Russian foreign intelligence poses global threat with cyber campaign exploiting established vulnerabilities
2024-10-10US Department of DefenseCNMF, NCSC UK, NSA, US Department of Justice
Update on SVR Cyber Operations and Vulnerability Exploitation
2024-09-18ASD, CNMF, CSE Canada, FBI, GCSB, NCSC UK, NSA
People’s Republic of China-Linked Actors Compromise Routers and IoT Devices for Botnet Operations
2024-09-05NCSC UKNCSC UK
UK and allies uncover Russian military unit carrying out cyber attacks and digital sabotage for the first time
2024-04-24NCSC UKNCSC UK
Line Dancer - In-memory shellcode loader targeting Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) devices.
2024-04-24NCSC UKNCSC UK
Line Runner: Persistent webshell targeting Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) devices.
2024-02-26NCSC UKNCSC UK
SVR cyber actors adapt tactics for initial cloud access
2023-12-06NCSC UKNCSC UK
Russian FSB cyber actor Star Blizzard continues worldwide spear-phishing campaigns: Updated and new research, updated vulnerabilities, security updates and revised actors.
2023-08-31NCSC UKNCSC UK
Infamous Chisel - Malware Analysis Report
2023-06-14CISAANSSI, Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), CERT NZ, FBI, MS-ISAC, NCSC UK, New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NZ NCSC)
Understanding Ransomware Threat Actors: Lockbit
APT28 exploits known vulnerability to carry out reconnaissance and deploy malware on Cisco routers
2023-04-18NCSC UKUnited Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-UK)
Jaguar Tooth - Cisco IOS malware that collects device information and enables backdoor access
2023-01-26NCSC UKNCSC UK
SEABORGIUM and TA453 continue their respective spear-phishing campaigns against targets of interest
2022-11-01NCSC UKNCSC UK
NCSC Annual Review 2022
2022-09-14CISAAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), CSE Canada, FBI, NCSC UK, NSA, U.S. Cyber Command, U.S. Department of the Treasury, US-CERT
Alert (AA22-257A): Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Affiliated Cyber Actors Exploiting Vulnerabilities for Data Extortion and Disk Encryption for Ransom Operations
2022-04-20CISAAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), CISA, FBI, Government Communications Security Bureau, National Crime Agency (NCA), NCSC UK, NSA
AA22-110A Joint CSA: Russian State-Sponsored and Criminal Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure
VPNFilter BlackEnergy DanaBot DoppelDridex Emotet EternalPetya GoldMax Industroyer Sality SmokeLoader TrickBot Triton Zloader
2022-02-28NCSC UKNCSC UK
Malware Analysis Report: SparrowDoor
SparrowDoor GhostEmperor
Iranian Government-Sponsored Actors Conduct Cyber Operations Against Global Government and Commercial Networks
2022-02-24CISA, CNMF, FBI, NCSC UK
Alert (AA22-055A) Iranian Government-Sponsored Actors Conduct Cyber Operations Against Global Government and Commercial Networks
POWERSTATS PowGoop MoriAgent