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2021-01-04nao_sec blognao_sec
Royal Road! Re:Dive
8.t Dropper Chinoxy FlowCloud FunnyDream Lookback
2020-12-17Twitter (@megabeets_)Itay Cohen
Tweet on SUNBURST malware discussing some of its evasion techniques
2020-12-10GuardicoreOmri Marom, Ophir Harpaz
PLEASE_READ_ME: The Opportunistic Ransomware Devastating MySQL Servers
2020-12-10GuardicoreOmri Marom, Ophir Harpaz
PLEASE_READ_ME: The Opportunistic Ransomware Devastating MySQL Servers
Hunting Koadic Pt. 2 - JARM Fingerprinting
2020-11-21Medium Intel-HoneyTwitter (@intel_honey)
Reversing Anubis Malware
2020-11-19Twitter (@VK_intel)Vitali Kremez
Tweet on Trickbot Group pushing LIGHTBOT powershell script to gather information about AD Server
2020-11-17Twitter (@VK_intel)Vitali Kremez
Tweet on a new fileless TrickBot loading method using code from MemoryModule
2020-11-16JPCERT/CCShusei Tomonaga
ELF_PLEAD - Linux Malware Used by BlackTech
2020-11-13Youtube (The Standoff)Alexey Zakharov, Positive Technologies
FF_202_Eng - From old Higaisa samples to new Winnti backdoors: The story of one research
CROSSWALK Unidentified 076 (Higaisa LNK to Shellcode)
2020-11-13Youtube (The Standoff)Alexey Zakharov, Positive Technologies
FF_202_Eng - From old Higaisa samples to new Winnti backdoors: The story of one research
CROSSWALK Unidentified 076 (Higaisa LNK to Shellcode)
2020-11-12Twitter (@ddash_ct)ddash
Tweet on Lootwodniw
2020-10-03Medium vishal_thakurVishal Thakur
Grinju Downloader: Anti-analysis (on steroids) | Part 2
Grinju Downloader
2020-09-22Medium (@vishal_thakur)Vishal Thakur
Grinju Downloader
Grinju Downloader
2020-09-11Twitter (@Arkbird_SOLG)Arkbird
Tweet on discovery of a sample
Turla SilentMoon
2020-09-03Twitter (@Arkbird_SOLG)Arkbird
Tweet on development in more_eggs
2020-08-17Twitter (@Arkbird_SOLG)Arkbird
Short twitter thread with analysis on Loup ATM malware
2020-08-15Twitter (@Int2e_)Adrien B
Tweet on DoubleFantasy
2020-08-14Twitter (@VK_intel)Vitali Kremez
Tweet on Zloader infection leading to Cobaltstrike Installation
Cobalt Strike Zloader
2020-08-14Twitter (@James_inthe_box)James_inthe_box
Tweet on Echelon Stealer