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2021-01-21Medium CSIS TechblogSøren Fritzbøger
Silencing Microsoft Defender for Endpoint using firewall rules
2021-01-20Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
Anchor and Lazarus together again?
Anchor TrickBot
2021-01-19Medium validhorizonDaniel Gordon
Oh, So You Got IOCs? Being a Good CTI Consumer
2021-01-19Medium elis531989Eli Salem
Funtastic Packers And Where To Find Them
Get2 IcedID QakBot
2021-01-18Medium csis-techblogBenoît Ancel
GCleaner — Garbage Provider Since 2019
Amadey Ficker Stealer Raccoon RedLine Stealer SmokeLoader STOP
2021-01-16MediumIsha Kudkar
Oski Stealer : A Credential Theft Malware
Oski Stealer
2021-01-16Medium christiaanbeekChristiaan Beek
VHD Forensics — the sequel
2021-01-15Medium DansecDan Lussier
Detecting Malicious C2 Activity -SpawnAs & SMB Lateral Movement in CobaltStrike
Cobalt Strike
2021-01-13Medium CoinmonksCoinmonks, Rakesh Krishnan
Passive Income of Cyber Criminals: Dissecting Bitcoin Multiplier Scam
2021-01-12Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves
De-ofuscating GoLang Functions
2021-01-10Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves
MAN1, Moskal, Hancitor and a side of Ransomware
Cobalt Strike Hancitor SendSafe VegaLocker Moskalvzapoe
2021-01-04Medium haggis-mMichael Haag
Malleable C2 Profiles and You
Cobalt Strike
2020-12-26Medium grimminckStefan Grimminck
Spoofing JARM signatures. I am the Cobalt Strike server now!
Cobalt Strike
2020-12-22Medium mitre-attackAdam Pennington, Matt Malone
Identifying UNC2452-Related Techniques for ATT&CK
2020-12-20Medium Asuna AmawakaAsuna Amawaka
A Look into SUNBURST’s DGA
2020-12-15Medium (Cryptax)Axelle Apvrille
Unpacking an Android malware with Dexcalibur and JEB
2020-12-15Medium 0xthreatintel0xthreatintel
Reversing Conti Ransomware
2020-12-14Medium Killbitkillbit
Applying the Diamond Model to Cognizant (MSP) vs. Maze Ransomware
2020-12-13Medium (Cryptax)Axelle Apvrille
Decrypting strings with a JEB script
2020-12-12Medium 0xthreatintel0xthreatintel
Reversing QakBot [ TLP: White]