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2021-12-21Group-IBYakov Kravtsov, Yvgeny Egorov
Ready-made fraud Behind the scenes of targeted scams
2021-12-21Group-IBYakov Kravtsov, Yvgeny Egorov
Ready-made fraud Behind the scenes of targeted scams
2021-12-09Group-IBAndrey Zhdanov, Dmitry Shestakov
Inside the Hive: Deep dive into Hive RaaS, analysis of latest samples
Hive Hive
2021-12-09Group-IBAndrey Zhdanov, Dmitry Shestakov
Inside the Hive: Deep dive into Hive RaaS, analysis of latest samples
Hive Hive
2021-11-18Group-IBIvan Pisarev
The awakening: Group-IB uncovers new corporate espionage attacks by RedCurl
RedCurl: The awakening
REDCURL: The awakening
2021-11-03Group-IBAndrey Zhdanov
The Darker Things BlackMatter and their victims
BlackMatter DarkSide BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-10-28Group-IBRuslan Chebesov, Sergey Kokurin
Cannibal Carders
2021-10-28Group-IBRuslan Chebesov, Sergey Kokurin
Cannibal Carders
2021-09-17Group-IBEvgeny Egorov, Yakov Kravtsov
Scamdemic outbreak Scammers attack users in Middle Eastern countries
2021-09-17Group-IBEvgeny Egorov, Yakov Kravtsov
Scamdemic outbreak Scammers attack users in Middle Eastern countries
2021-09-16Group-IBIvan Lebedev, Reza Rafati
RUNLIR - phishing campaign targeting Netherlands
2021-09-16Group-IBIvan Lebedev, Reza Rafati
RUNLIR - phishing campaign targeting Netherlands
2021-08-06Group-IBSergey Kokurin
Bold ad campaign
2021-08-06Group-IBAndrey Zhdanov
It's alive! The story behind the BlackMatter ransomware strain
BlackMatter DarkSide BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-08-05Group-IBNikita Rostovcev, Viktor Okorokov
Prometheus TDS The key to success for Campo Loader, Hancitor, IcedID, and QBot
Prometheus Backdoor Buer campoloader Hancitor IcedID QakBot
2021-08-05Group-IBNikita Rostovcev, Viktor Okorokov
Prometheus TDS The key to success for Campo Loader, Hancitor, IcedID, and QBot
Prometheus Backdoor Buer campoloader Hancitor IcedID QakBot
2021-08-03Group-IBAnastasia Tikhonova, Dmitry Kupin
The Art of Cyberwarfare Chinese APTs attack Russia
Albaniiutas Mail-O SManager TA428
2021-08-03Group-IBAnastasia Tikhonova, Dmitry Kupin
The Art of Cyberwarfare Chinese APTs attack Russia
Albaniiutas Mail-O SManager TA428