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2021-01-22InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogXavier Mertens
Another File Extension to Block in your MTA: .jnlp
2021-01-21InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogXavier Mertens
Powershell Dropping a REvil Ransomware
2021-01-13InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogBrad Duncan
Hancitor activity resumes after a hoilday break
2020-12-26CYBER GEEKS All Things InfosecCyberMasterV
Analyzing APT19 malware using a step-by-step method
2020-12-24InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogXavier Mertens
Malicious Word Document Delivering an Octopus Backdoor
2020-12-15InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogDidier Stevens
Analyzing FireEye Maldocs
2020-12-09InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogBrad Duncan
Recent Qakbot (Qbot) activity
Cobalt Strike QakBot
2020-11-27CYBER GEEKS All Things InfosecCyberMasterV
Dissecting APT21 samples using a step-by-step approach
2020-11-19SANS ISC InfoSec ForumsXavier Mertens
PowerShell Dropper Delivering Formbook
2020-11-03InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogRenato Marinho
Attackers Exploiting WebLogic Servers via CVE-2020-14882 to install Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2020-10-26SANS ISC InfoSec ForumsDidier Stevens
Excel 4 Macros: "Abnormal Sheet Visibility"
2020-09-10SANS ISC InfoSec ForumsBrad Duncan
Recent Dridex activity
2020-05-31InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogRenato Marinho
Guildma is now using Finger and Signed Binary Proxy Execution to evade defenses
2020-05-23InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogXavier Mertens
AgentTesla Delivered via a Malicious PowerPoint Add-In
Agent Tesla
2020-04-22Youtube (Infosec Alpha)Raashid Bhat
FlattenTheCurve - Emotet Control Flow Unflattening | Episode 2
2020-04-12InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogVinnie
Dynamic analysis technique to get decrypted KPOT Malware
KPOT Stealer
2020-03-31Youtube (Infosec Alpha)Raashid Bhat
Emotet Binary Deobfuscation | Coconut Paradise | Episode 1
2020-03-20RECON INFOSECLuke Rusten
Analysis Of Exploitation: CVE-2020-10189 ( exploited by APT41)
Cobalt Strike
2020-01-23SANS ISC InfoSec ForumsBrad Duncan
German language malspam pushes Ursnif
2019-08-26InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogDidier Stevens
The DAA File Format