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2020-09-08IntezerNicole Fishbein
Attackers Abusing Legitimate Cloud Monitoring Tools to Conduct Cyber Attacks
2020-09-08MicrosoftRoss Bevington, Yossi Weizman
TeamTNT activity targets Weave Scope deployments
2020-09-08Lopqto's AdventuresHamidreza Babaee
Automated dynamic import resolving using binary emulation
2020-09-07Github (StrangerealIntel)StrangerealIntel
Time to take the bull by the horns
RedLine Stealer Taurus Stealer
2020-09-07Github (pan-unit42)Brad Duncan
Collection of recent Dridex IOCs
Cutwail Dridex
Bulletin d'alerte du CERT-FR: Recrudescence d’activité Emotet en France
2020-09-07CERT NZCERT NZ
Emotet Malware being spread via email
2020-09-06Twitter (@3xp0rtblog)3xp0rt
Tweet and description of NixScare Stealer
NixScare Stealer
2020-09-04VB LocalhostSveva Vittoria Scenarelli
To catch a Banshee: How Kimsuky’s tradecraft betrays its complementary campaigns and mission
2020-09-04QuoSec GmbHQuosec Blog
Navigating QakBot samples with grap
2020-09-04Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Robert Falcone
Thanos Ransomware: Destructive Variant Targeting State-Run Organizations in the Middle East and North Africa
PowGoop Hakbit
2020-09-04BellingcatBellingcat Investigation Team
Post-Mortem of a Triple Poisoning: New Details Emerge in GRU's Failed Murder Attempts in Bulgaria
2020-09-04KrabsOnSecurityMr. Krabs
BitRAT pt. 2: Hidden Browser, SOCKS5 proxy, and UnknownProducts Unmasked
BitRAT WebMonitor RAT
2020-09-03Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Haozhe Zhang, Qi Deng, Ruchna Nigam, Zhibin Zhang
Exploits in the Wild for vBulletin Pre-Auth RCE Vulnerability CVE-2020-17496
Mirai PerlBot
2020-09-03Kaspersky LabsDavid Emm
IT threat evolution Q2 2020
PhantomLance Aria-body COMpfun Vicious Panda
2020-09-03Twitter (@Arkbird_SOLG)Arkbird
Tweet on development in more_eggs
2020-09-03Viettel Cybersecurityvuonglvm
APT32 deobfuscation arsenal: Deobfuscating một vài loại Obfucation Toolkit của APT32 (Phần 2)
Cobalt Strike
2020-09-03IntezerPaul Litvak
Turning Open Source Against Malware
2020-09-03SentinelOneJim Walter
Multi-Platform SMAUG RaaS Aims To See Off Competitors
2020-09-03ZenGoTal Be'ery
The Bitcoin Ransomware Detective Strikes Again: The UCSF Case