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2020-05-21ArmorbloxChetan Anand
Blox Tales #6: Subpoena-Themed Phishing With CAPTCHA Redirect
2020-05-21ESET ResearchMartin Smolár, Mathieu Tartare
No “Game over” for the Winnti Group
ACEHASH HTran MimiKatz PipeMon
2020-05-21IntezerPaul Litvak
The Evolution of APT15’s Codebase 2020
Ketrican Ketrum Okrum
2020-05-21SophosSophosLabs Uncut
Ragnar Locker ransomware deploys virtual machine to dodge security
2020-05-21VMWare Carbon BlackJared Myers
TAU Technical Report: New Attack Combines TinyPOS With Living-off-the-Land Techniques for Scraping Credit Card Data
2020-05-21Trend MicroLlallum Victoria, Raphael Centeno
Backdoor, Devil Shadow Botnet Hidden in Fake Zoom Installers
2020-05-21Malwarebyteshasherezade, prsecurity
The “Silent Night” Zloader/Zbot
2020-05-20ZscalerAmandeep Kumar, Rohit Chaturvedi
Latest Version of Amadey Introduces Screen Capturing and Pushes the Remcos RAT
Amadey Remcos
2020-05-20Medium Asuna AmawakaAsuna Amawaka
What happened between the BigBadWolf and the Tiger?
Ghost RAT
2020-05-20VIPREVIPRE Labs
Unloading the GuLoader
2020-05-20SentinelOneJim Walter
Why On-Device Detection Matters: New Ramsay Trojan Targets Air-Gapped Networks
2020-05-20PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Operation TA505: how we analyzed new tools from the creators of the Dridex trojan, Locky ransomware, and Neutrino botnet
2020-05-20Youtube (nonepizza)nonepizza
(PandaBanker Analysis) Fixing Corrupted PE Headers and Unmapping an Executable
2020-05-20Avast DecodedAlexej Savčin, David Jursa, Jan Rubín, Simi Musilova
GhostDNS Source Code Leaked
The Gocgle Malicious Campaign
2020-05-20ProofpointDennis Schwarz, Matthew Mesa, Proofpoint Threat Research Team
ZLoader Loads Again: New ZLoader Variant Returns
2020-05-19zero2autoVitali Kremez
Netwalker Ransomware - From Static Reverse Engineering to Automatic Extraction
2020-05-19HornetsecuritySecurity Lab
Information Stealer Campaign Targeting German HR Contacts
LALALA Stealer
2020-05-19Advanced IntelligenceAdvanced Intelligence, Bridgit Sullivan, Daniel Frey
NetWalker Ransomware Group Enters Advanced Targeting “Game”
2020-05-19SymantecCritical Attack Discovery and Intelligence Team
Sophisticated Espionage Group Turns Attention to Telecom Providers in South Asia
ISMAgent ISMDoor