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2024-02-15Cisco TalosArnaud Zobec, Asheer Malhotra, Holger Unterbrink, Vitor Ventura
TinyTurla Next Generation - Turla APT spies on Polish NGOs
2023-09-19Cisco TalosArnaud Zobec, Asheer Malhotra, Caitlin Huey, Sean Taylor, Vitor Ventura
New ShroudedSnooper actor targets telecommunications firms in the Middle East with novel Implants
HTTPSnoop PipeSnoop LightBasin ShroudedSnooper
2022-08-04Cisco TalosArnaud Zobec, Azim Khodjibaev, Edmund Brumaghin, Matt Thaxton
Attackers leveraging Dark Utilities "C2aaS" platform in malware campaigns
2022-03-10TalosArnaud Zobec, Asheer Malhotra, Vitor Ventura
Iranian linked conglomerate MuddyWater comprised of regionally focused subgroups
2022-02-28Medium arnozobecArnaud Zobec
Analyzing conti-leaks without speaking russian — only methodology
2021-09-30CiscoArnaud Zobec, Vitor Ventura
A wolf in sheep's clothing: Actors spread malware by leveraging trust in Amnesty International and fear of Pegasus
2021-08-12Arnaud Zobec, Edmund Brumaghin, Joe Marshall
Vice Society Leverages PrintNightmare In Ransomware Attacks
2020-07-06Cisco TalosArnaud Zobec, Ben Baker, Edmund Brumaghin, JJ Cummings
WastedLocker Goes "Big-Game Hunting" in 2020