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2021-03-17HPHP Bromium
Threat Insights Report Q4-2020
Agent Tesla BitRAT ComodoSec Dridex Emotet Ficker Stealer Formbook Zloader
2020-10-08BromiumAlex Holland
Droppers, Downloaders and TrickBot: Detecting a Stealthy COVID-19-themed Campaign using Toolmarks
2020-06-21BromiumAlex Holland
Investigating Threats in HP Sure Controller 4.2: TVRAT
2019-09-03BromiumAlex Holland
Deobfuscating Ostap: TrickBot’s 34,000 Line JavaScript Downloader
2019-08-01BromiumAlex Holland
Decrypting L0rdix RAT’s C2
2018-11-05BromiumJosh Stroschein
Data Talks: Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole: Second-Stage Attack and a Fileless Finale