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2024-05-15X (@bryceabdo)Bryce Abdo
Tweet on UNC5449 exploiting CVE-2024-30051 to deliver QAKBOT
2022-04-04MandiantBrendan McKeague, Bryce Abdo, Ioana Teaca, Zander Work
FIN7 Power Hour: Adversary Archaeology and the Evolution of FIN7
Griffon BABYMETAL Carbanak Cobalt Strike JSSLoader Termite
2021-02-25MandiantBrendan McKeague, Bryce Abdo, Van Ta
So Unchill: Melting UNC2198 ICEDID to Ransomware Operations
IcedID TA2101
2021-02-25FireEyeBrendan McKeague, Bryce Abdo, Van Ta
So Unchill: Melting UNC2198 ICEDID to Ransomware Operations
MOUSEISLAND Cobalt Strike Egregor IcedID Maze SystemBC