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2023-02-24Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Catherine Loveria, Jed Valderama
Investigating the PlugX Trojan Disguised as a Legitimate Windows Debugger Tool
2022-07-27Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Jed Valderama
Gootkit Loader’s Updated Tactics and Fileless Delivery of Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike GootKit Kronos REvil SunCrypt
2022-07-20Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Erika Mendoza, Jessie Prevost, Joelson Soares, Nusrath Iqra
Analyzing Penetration-Testing Tools That Threat Actors Use to Breach Systems and Steal Data
2022-05-18Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Jed Valderama
Uncovering a Kingminer Botnet Attack Using Trend Micro™ Managed XDR
2021-07-05Trend MicroAbraham Camba, Buddy Tancio, Catherine Loveria, Ryan Maglaque
Tracking Cobalt Strike: A Trend Micro Vision One Investigation
Cobalt Strike
2020-12-15Trend MicroBuddy Tancio, Gilbert Sison, Lenart Bermejo
Finding APTX: Attacks via MITRE TTPs