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2021-08-03nex.sxClaudio Guarnieri
The Pegasus Project
2017-02-06Iran ThreatsClaudio Guarnieri, Collin Anderson
iKittens: Iranian Actor Resurfaces with Malware for Mac (MacDownloader)
MacDownloader Charming Kitten
2016-08-01Electronic Frontier FoundationClaudio Guarnieri, Cooper Quintin, Eva Galperin, Morgan Marquis-Boire
Operation Manul
jRAT Bandook
2016-08-01Black HatClaudio Guarnieri, Collin Anderson
Iran and the Soft Warfor Internet Dominance
Infy Sima
2015-12-08The CitizenlabClaudio Guarnieri, John Scott-Railton, Marion Marschalek, Morgan Marquis-Boire
Packrat: Seven Years of a South American Threat Actor
AdWind Adzok CyberGate Xtreme RAT Packrat
2015-06-19Netzpolitik.orgClaudio Guarnieri
Digital Attack on German Parliament: Investigative Report on the Hack of the Left Party Infrastructure in Bundestag
XTunnel APT28
2013-06-07Rapid7 LabsClaudio Guarnieri, Mark Schloesser
KeyBoy, Targeted Attacks against Vietnam and India
KeyBoy APT23