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2025-01-27The DFIR ReportMittenSec, MyDFIR, r3nzsec
Cobalt Strike and a Pair of SOCKS Lead to LockBit Ransomware
GhostSocks LockBit SystemBC
Golang Beacons and VS Code Tunnels: Tracking a Cobalt Strike Server Leveraging Trusted Infrastructure
Cobalt Strike
Rare Watermark Links Cobalt Strike 4.10 Team Servers to Ongoing Suspicious Activity
Cobalt Strike
2024-11-12Recorded FutureInsikt Group
China-Nexus TAG-112 Compromises Tibetan Websites to Distribute Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike TAG-112
2024-11-12Recorded FutureInsikt Group
China-Nexus TAG-112 Compromises Tibetan Websites to Distribute Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
Tricks, Treats, and Threats: Cobalt Strike & the Goblin Lurking in Plain Sight
Cobalt Strike
2024-08-29SecuronixDen Iyzvyk, Tim Peck
From Cobalt Strike to Mimikatz: A Deep Dive into the SLOW#TEMPEST Campaign Targeting Chinese Users
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz
2024-08-04Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Cobalt Strike Downloader Script With CyberChef
Cobalt Strike
2024-08-01CiscoAshley Shen, Joey Chen, Vitor Ventura
APT41 likely compromised Taiwanese government-affiliated research institute with ShadowPad and Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike ShadowPad
2024-07-25SOC PrimeVeronika Telychko
UAC-0057 Attack Detection: A Surge in Adversary Activity Distributing PICASSOLOADER and Cobalt Strike Beacon
Cobalt Strike PicassoLoader Ghostwriter
2024-03-01Medium b.magnezi0xMrMagnezi
Malware Analysis - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2024-02-08YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike Decoding and C2 Extraction - 3 Minute Malware Analysis Speedrun
Cobalt Strike
2024-01-13YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike Shellcode Analysis and C2 Extraction
Cobalt Strike
2024-01-04NetresecErik Hjelmvik
Hunting for Cobalt Strike in PCAP
Cobalt Strike
2023-12-20Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Defeating Obfuscated Malware Scripts - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2023-11-19Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Combining Pivot Points to Identify Malware Infrastructure - Redline, Smokeloader and Cobalt Strike
Amadey Cobalt Strike RedLine Stealer SmokeLoader
2023-11-06Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Unpacking Malware With Hardware Breakpoints - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-23Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike .VBS Loader - Decoding with Advanced CyberChef and Emulation
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-20Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Cobalt Strike .hta Loader Using CyberChef and Emulation
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-18Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Ghidra Tutorial - Using Entropy To Locate a Cobalt Strike Decryption Function
Cobalt Strike