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2018-07-03Twitter (@CDA)Collin Anderson
Tweet on Iranian Malware
2018-01-04Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceCollin Anderson, Karim Sadjapour
Iran’s Cyber Ecosystem: Who Are the Threat Actors?
Magic Kitten
2017-10-27BellingcatCollin Anderson
Bahamut Revisited, More Cyber Espionage in the Middle East and South Asia
Bahamut Bahamut Bahamut
2017-06-12BellingcatCollin Anderson
Bahamut, Pursuing a Cyber Espionage Actor in the Middle East
Bahamut Bahamut Bahamut
2017-02-06Iran ThreatsClaudio Guarnieri, Collin Anderson
iKittens: Iranian Actor Resurfaces with Malware for Mac (MacDownloader)
MacDownloader Charming Kitten
2016-08-01Black HatClaudio Guarnieri, Collin Anderson
Iran and the Soft Warfor Internet Dominance
Infy Sima