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2023-07-28YouTube (SANS Cyber Defense)Stef Rand
Drop It Like It's Qbot: Separating malicious droppers, loaders, and crypters from their payloads
CloudEyE QakBot
2021-08-02Youtube (Forschungsinstitut Cyber Defense)Alexander Rausch, Konstantin Klinger
The CODE 2021: Workshop presentation and demonstration about CobaltStrike
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-28Konrad Adenauer StiftungStefan Soesanto
Outward Defense: Comparing the Cyber Defense Postures of Japan, the Netherlands and the United States in Peace Time
2021-01-20MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Research Team, Microsoft Cyber Defense Operations Center (CDOC), Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Deep dive into the Solorigate second-stage activation: From SUNBURST to TEARDROP and Raindrop
2020-10-28AccentureCyber Defense
Turla uses HyperStack, Carbon, and Kazuar to compromise government entity
Cobra Carbon System Kazuar TurlaRPC Turla SilentMoon
2016-01-01VerintPeikan Tsung
An Intelligence-Driven Approach to Cyber Defense