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2025-03-20ESET ResearchMatthieu Faou
Operation FishMedley
ShadowPad SodaMaster Spyder
2025-02-20ESET ResearchESET Research
DeceptiveDevelopment targets freelance developers
BeaverTail InvisibleFerret
2025-01-22ESET ResearchFacundo Muñoz
PlushDaemon compromises supply chain of Korean VPN service
SlowStepper PlushDaemon
2024-11-27ESET ResearchMartin Smolár, Peter Strýček
Bootkitty: Analyzing the first UEFI bootkit for Linux
2024-11-21ESET ResearchViktor Sperka
Unveiling WolfsBane: Gelsemium’s Linux counterpart to Gelsevirine
FireWood WolfsBane Icesword
2024-11-07ESET ResearchESET Research
APT Activity Report: Abusing Cloud Services and VPN Platforms in the Pursuit of New Prey
2024-10-28ESET ResearchAnh ho
CloudScout: Evasive Panda scouting cloud services
CloudScout MgBot Nightdoor
2024-10-02ESET ResearchRomain Dumont
Separating the bee from the panda: CeranaKeeper making a beeline for Thailand
PUBLOAD TONESHELL WavyExfiller CeranaKeeper
2024-09-26ESET ResearchZoltán Rusnák
Cyberespionage the Gamaredon way: Analysis of toolset used to spy on Ukraine in 2022 and 2023
2024-09-10ESET ResearchJakub Souček
CosmicBeetle steps up: Probation period at RansomHub
Scarab Ransomware SpaceColon CosmicBeetle
2024-08-28ESET ResearchRomain Dumont
Analysis of two arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities affecting WPS Office
2024-08-28ESET ResearchESET Research
ESET Research: Spy group exploits WPS Office zero day; analysis uncovers a second vulnerability
2024-05-15ESET ResearchFilip Jurčacko
To the Moon and back(doors): Lunar landing in diplomatic missions
2024-05-14ESET ResearchMarc-Etienne M.Léveillé
Ebury is alive but unseen: 400k Linux servers compromised for cryptocurrency theft and financial gain
2024-05-13ESET ResearchMarc-Etienne M.Léveillé
Ebury is alive but unseen: 400k Linux servers compromised for cryptocurrency theft and financial gain
2024-04-10ESET ResearchLukáš Štefanko
eXotic Visit campaign: Tracing the footprints of Virtual Invaders
2024-03-07ESET ResearchAnh ho, Facundo Muñoz
Evasive Panda leverages Monlam Festival to target Tibetans
MgBot Nightdoor
2024-02-01ESET ResearchESET Research
ESET takes part in global operation to disrupt the Grandoreiro banking trojan
2024-01-25ESET ResearchFacundo Muñoz
NSPX30: A sophisticated AitM-enabled implant evolving since 2005
NSPX30 ProjectWood Blackwood
2023-10-26ESET ResearchESET Research
ESET APT Activity Report Q2–Q3 2023