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2023-04-03MandiantEduardo Mattos, JASON DEYALSINGH, Nick Richard, NICK SMITH, Tyler McLellan
ALPHV Ransomware Affiliate Targets Vulnerable Backup Installations to Gain Initial Access
LaZagne BlackCat MimiKatz
2023-01-05MandiantEduardo Mattos, Gabby Roncone, John Wolfram, Sarah Hawley, Tyler McLellan
Turla: A Galaxy of Opportunity
KopiLuwak Andromeda QUIETCANARY
2022-02-26AonEduardo Mattos, Rob Homewood
Yours Truly, Signed AV Driver: Weaponizing An Antivirus Driver
Cuba KillAV
2022-02-26AonEduardo Mattos, Rob Homewood
Yours Truly, Signed AV Driver: Weaponizing An Antivirus Driver
2021-11-20Twitter (@eduardfir)Eduardo Mattos
Tweet on Velociraptor artifact analysis for Emotet