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2024-11-09Youtube (Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC))Rachel Giacobozzi
BlueHat 2024: S17: MSTIC - A Threat Intelligence Year in Review
Storm-0506 TA2101
2024-11-09MicrosoftRachel Giacobozzi
BlueHat 2024: S17: MSTIC - A Threat Intelligence Year in Review
2022-04-08GIACGreg Hartrell
Get a handle on cd00r: The invisible backdoor
2020-05-22YoroiAntonio Pirozzi, Giacomo d'Onofrio, Luca Mella, Luigi Martire
Cyber-Criminal espionage Operation insists on Italian Manufacturing
Agent Tesla
2019-10-09Github (GiacomoFerro)Francesco Gobbi, Giacomo Ferro, Riccardo Astolfi
Corso di Codice Malevolo: Relazione sull’analisi del malware sample2.exe
2004-04-15SANS GIACMatt Goldencrown
MyDoom is Your Doom: An Analysis of the MyDoom Virus
2004-01-01GIACSrinivas Ganti
MyDoom and its backdoor