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2023-06-14PICUS SecuritySıla Özeren
Picus Cyber Threat Intelligence Report May 2023: Top 10 MITRE ATT&CK Techniques
Earth Longzhi
2022-07-29PICUS SecurityHüseyin Can YÜCEEL
H0lyGh0st - North Korean Threat Group Strikes Back With New Ransomware
SiennaBlue SiennaPurple Storm-0530
2022-02-21PICUS SecurityHüseyin Can YÜCEEL
TTPs used by BlackByte Ransomware Targeting Critical Infrastructure
2021-10-28PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
A Detailed Walkthrough of Ranzy Locker Ransomware TTPs
2021-03-10PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) Used by HAFNIUM to Target Microsoft Exchange Servers
2020-12-15PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) Used in the SolarWinds Breach
Cobalt Strike SUNBURST
2020-12-10PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) Utilized by FireEye’s Red Team Tools
2020-12-03PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
How to Beat Nefilim Ransomware Attacks
2020-05-21PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
T1055 Process Injection
BlackEnergy Cardinal RAT Downdelph Emotet Kazuar RokRAT SOUNDBITE
2020-02-08PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
Emotet Technical Analysis - Part 2 PowerShell Unveiled
2020-01-30PICUS SecuritySüleyman Özarslan
Emotet Technical Analysis - Part 1 Reveal the Evil Code