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2025-03-24SYGNIASygnia Team
Weaver Ant, the Web Shell Whisperer: Tracking a Live China-nexus Operation
2025-03-16SYGNIASygnia Team
Bybit – What We Know So Far
2024-07-17SYGNIADor Nizar
The Return of Ghost Emperor’s Demodex
GhostEmperor GhostEmperor
2024-06-03SYGNIASygnia Team
China-Nexus Threat Group ‘Velvet Ant’ Abuses F5 Load Balancers for Persistence
2022-07-01SYGNIANoam Lifshitz, Oren Biderman, Tomer Lahiyani
Luna Moth: The Actors Behind the Recent False Subscription Scams
2022-01-05SYGNIAAmnon Kushnir, Arie Zilberstein, Boaz Wasserman, Itay Shohat, Noam Lifshitz, Oren Biderman, Yoav Mazor
Elephant Beetle: Uncovering an Organized Financial-Theft Operation
2022-01-04SYGNIASygnia Incident Response Team
TG2003: Elephant Beetle - Uncovering an Organized Financial-theft Operation
2021-07-27SYGNIAAmitai Ben Shushan Ehrlich, Amnon Kushnir, Arie Zilberstein, Asaf Eitani, Gil Biton, Itay Shohat, Martin Korman, Noam Lifshitz, Sygnia Incident Response Team
TG1021: "Praying Mantis" Dissecting an Advanced Memory-Resident Attack
2021-03-03SYGNIAAmitai Ben Shushan, Amnon Kushnir, Boaz Wasserman, Martin Korman, Noam Lifshitz
Lazarus Group’s MATA Framework Leveraged to Deploy TFlower Ransomware
Dacls Dacls Dacls TFlower