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2021-06-09ESET ResearchMatthieu Faou, Thomas Dupuy
Gelsemium: When threat actors go gardening
2021-06-09ESET ResearchMatthieu Faou, Thomas Dupuy
Gelsemium: When threat actors go gardening
2021-03-10ESET ResearchMathieu Tartare, Matthieu Faou, Thomas Dupuy
Exchange servers under siege from at least 10 APT groups
Microcin MimiKatz PlugX Winnti APT27 APT41 Calypso Tick ToddyCat Tonto Team Vicious Panda
2019-10-17ESET ResearchMathieu Tartare, Matthieu Faou, Thomas Dupuy
OPERATION GHOST The Dukes aren’t back — they never left
2015-05-19ESET ResearchOlivier Bilodeau, Thomas Dupuy
Dissecting Linux/Moose