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2022-05-09360 netlabAlex.Turing, Hui Wang, Liu Ya, YANG XU
The data analysis behind the cyber attack on Beijing Healthbao
2022-04-13360 netlabAlex.Turing, Hui Wang, YANG XU
New Threat: The Muffled Fodcha Botnet
2022-04-13360 netlabAlex.Turing, Hui Wang, YANG XU
Fodcha, a new DDos botnet
2021-11-18360 netlabAlex.Turing, Hui Wang, litao3rd, YANG XU
The Pitfall of Threat Intelligence Whitelisting: Specter Botnet is 'taking over' Top Legit DNS Domains By Using ClouDNS Service
2021-11-12360 netlabAlex.Turing, Hui Wang, YANG XU
Malware uses namesilo Parking pages and Google's custom pages to spread
2021-09-28NetlabAlex.Turing, Hui Wang, YANG XU
Mirai_ptea_Rimasuta variant is exploiting a new RUIJIE router 0 day to spread
2021-05-15Twitter (@xuy1202)YANG XU
Tweet on Necro using hardcoded onion address as a gateway for TOR CC
2021-05-11Twitter (@xuy1202)YANG XU
Tweet on necro's new DGA
2021-04-29360 netlabJinye, Liu Ya, YANG XU
Threat Alert: New update from Sysrv-hello, now infecting victims‘ webpages to push malicious exe to end users
2021-03-18360 netlabJinye, YANG XU
Necro upgrades again, using Tor + dynamic domain DGA and aiming at both Windows & Linux
N3Cr0m0rPh Keksec
2021-03-12360 netlabAlex.Turing, liuyang, YANG XU
New Threat: ZHtrap botnet implements honeypot to facilitate finding more victims