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2025-01-27Youtube (MalwareAnalysisForHedgehogs)Karsten Hahn
Malware Analysis - Binary Refinery URL extraction of Multi-Layered PoshLoader for LummaStealer
Lumma Stealer
2024-11-06YouTube ( Hexacon)Clement Lecigne, Google Threat Analysis Group
Caught in the wild - Past, present and future
2024-08-24YouTube (Black Hat)Charles Li, Che Chang, Greg Chen
Chinese APT: A Master of Exploiting Edge Devices (Video)
2024-05-14YouTube (botconf eu)Yassir Laaouissi
Panni pelmeni: Turla loves dumplings
2024-04-19YouTube (Decipher)Dan Black, Gabby Roncone, Lindsey O’Donnell-Welch
A Decade of Sandworm: Digging into APT44’s Past and Future With Mandiant
2024-03-11YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Xworm Script Analysis and Deobfuscation
2024-02-29YouTube (Kaspersky Tech)Suguru Ishimaru
Unleashing the Secrets:A Full Analysis for the Complex LODEINFO v0.7.1
2024-02-25YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
My Longest CyberChef Recipe Ever - 22 Operation Configuration Extractor
NetSupportManager RAT
2024-02-21YouTube (SentinelOne)Kris McConkey
LABSCon23 Replay | Chasing Shadows | The rise of a prolific espionage actor
9002 RAT PlugX ShadowPad Spyder Earth Lusca
2024-02-21YouTube (Invoke RE)Josh Reynolds
Analyzing Qakbot Using Binary Ninja Automation Part 3
2024-02-20YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
StealC Loader Analysis - Decoding Powershell Malware With CyberChef
2024-02-16YouTube (CactusCon)Danny Quist
Reverse Engineering Go Malware: A BianLian Story
BianLian BianLian
2024-02-09YouTube (Invoke RE)Josh Reynolds
Analyzing and Unpacking Qakbot Using Binary Ninja Automation Part 2
2024-02-09YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Guloader Decoding With Cyberchef
2024-02-08YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike Decoding and C2 Extraction - 3 Minute Malware Analysis Speedrun
Cobalt Strike
2024-02-05YouTube (John Hammond)John Hammond, Ryan Chapman
PikaBot Malware Analysis: Debugging in Visual Studio
2024-02-01YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Xworm Malware Analysis - Unravelling Multi-stage Malware with CyberChef and DnSpy
2024-01-23YouTube (Invoke RE)Josh Reynolds
Analyzing and Unpacking Qakbot using Binary Ninja Automation
2024-01-21YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Manual Malware Decoding With Procmon - Pikabot
2024-01-13YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike Shellcode Analysis and C2 Extraction
Cobalt Strike