win.allakore (Back to overview)


AllaKore is a simple Remote Access Tool written in Delphi, first observed in 2015 but still in early stages of development. It implements the RFB protocol which uses frame buffers and thus is able to send back only the changes of screen frames to the controller, speeding up the transport and visualization control.

2024-07-25SeqriteSathwik Ram Prakki
Umbrella of Pakistani Threats: Converging Tactics of Cyber-operations Targeting India
DISGOMOJI Poseidon Action RAT AllaKore ReverseRAT
2024-05-28HarfangLabHarfangLab CTR
AllaSenha: AllaKore variant leverages Azure cloud C2 to steal banking details in Latin America
AllaKore AllaSenha
2024-04-24SeqriteSathwik Ram Prakki
Pakistani APTs Escalate Attacks on Indian Gov. Seqrite Labs Unveils Threats and Connections
AllaKore Crimson RAT
2023-11-06SeqriteSathwik Ram Prakki
SideCopy’s Multi-platform Onslaught: Leveraging WinRAR Zero-Day and Linux Variant of Ares RAT
Action RAT AllaKore
2023-04-19Team CymruS2 Research Team
AllaKore(d) the SideCopy Train
2023-01-01ThreatMonSeyit Sigirci (@h3xecute), ThreatMon Malware Research Team
The Anatomy of a Sidecopy Attack: From RAR Exploits to AllaKore RAT
2021-10-26KasperskyKaspersky Lab ICS CERT
APT attacks on industrial organizations in H1 2021
8.t Dropper AllaKore AsyncRAT GoldMax LimeRAT NjRAT NoxPlayer Raindrop ReverseRAT ShadowPad Zebrocy
2021-07-07Talos IntelligenceAsheer Malhotra, Justin Thattil
InSideCopy: How this APT continues to evolve its arsenal
AllaKore NjRAT SideCopy
2021-07-07TalosAsheer Malhotra, Justin Thattil
InSideCopy: How this APT continues to evolve its arsenal
AllaKore Lilith NjRAT
2021-07-07TalosAsheer Malhotra, Justin Thattil
InSideCopy: How this APT continues to evolve its arsenal (IOCs)
AllaKore Lilith NjRAT
2021-07-07TalosAsheer Malhotra, Justin Thattil
InSideCopy: How this APT continues to evolve its arsenal (Network IOCs)
AllaKore Lilith NjRAT
2021-07-02CiscoAsheer Malhotra, Justin Thattil
InSideCopy: How this APT continues to evolve its arsenal
AllaKore CetaRAT Lilith NjRAT ReverseRAT
2020-09-23SeqriteGoutam Tripathy, Kalpesh Mantri, Pawan CHaudhari
Operation SideCopy: An insight into Transparent Tribe’s sub-division which has been incorrectly attributed for years
2019-12-31Twitter (@_re_fox)_re_fox
Tweet on AllaKore indicators
2019-07-08Medium SebdravenSébastien Larinier
Copy cat of APT Sidewinder ?
AllaKore SideCopy
2015-10-19Github (Anderson-D)Anderson D
Github Repository for AllaKore

There is no Yara-Signature yet.