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2021-12-08F5Aditya K. Sood, Rohit Chaturvedi
Collector-stealer: a Russian origin credential and information extractor
2021-04-14ZscalerAtinderpal Singh, Rohit Chaturvedi, Tarun Dewan
A look at HydroJiin campaign
NetWire RC Quasar RAT
2020-07-10ZscalerNaveen Selvan, Rohit Chaturvedi
Deep Dive Into the M00nD3V Logger
M00nD3V Logger
2020-05-20ZscalerAmandeep Kumar, Rohit Chaturvedi
Latest Version of Amadey Introduces Screen Capturing and Pushes the Remcos RAT
Amadey Remcos
2019-09-12ZscalerRohit Chaturvedi, Sahil Antil
InnfiRAT: A new RAT aiming for your cryptocurrency and more