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2023-12-08Medium g0njxag0njxa
Approaching stealers devs : a brief interview with Meta
2023-12-08Security IntelligenceClaire Zaboeva, Golo Mühr, Joe Fasulo
ITG05 operations leverage Israel-Hamas conflict lures to deliver Headlace malware
2023-12-07MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Star Blizzard increases sophistication and evasion in ongoing attacks
2023-12-07The RecordAlexander Martin
UK names FSB unit behind hack-and-leak campaigns, summons Russian ambassador
UAC-0050 mass cyberattack using RemcosRAT/MeduzaStealer against Ukraine and Poland (CERT-UA#8218)
Meduza Stealer Remcos
2023-12-07Group-IBSharmine Low
Curse of the Krasue: New Linux Remote Access Trojan targets Thailand
Krasue RAT
2023-12-05Kaspersky LabsSergey Puzan
BlueNoroff: new Trojan attacking macOS users
2023-12-05Medium g0njxag0njxa
Approaching stealers devs : a brief interview with StealC
2023-12-04The RecordJonathan Greig
Florida water agency latest to confirm cyber incident as feds warn of nation-state attacks
2023-12-03Medium OSINT TeamCriminal IP
SkidSec Hacker Group Announces Plans to Spread North Korean Propaganda Through Hacked Printers in South Korea
2023-12-02Medium g0njxaamadey
Approaching stealers devs : a brief interview with Amadey
2023-12-01Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on Danabot leading to cactus ransomware
Cactus DanaBot Storm-1044
2023-12-01GeniansGenius Security Center
Cases of attacks disguised as North Korean market price analysis documents, etc. CVE-2022-41128 vulnerability called with HWP, HWPX, DOCX, XLSX files
2023-12-01The RecordDaryna Antoniuk
Russian developer of Trickbot malware pleads guilty, faces 35-year sentence
2023-11-30Medium g0njxag0njxa
Approaching stealers devs : a brief interview with Vidar
2023-11-30BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team, Dmitry Bestuzhev
AeroBlade on the Hunt Targeting the U.S. Aerospace Industry
2023-11-28Medium g0njxag0njxa
Approaching stealers devs : a brief interview with Meduza
Meduza Stealer
2023-11-28FortiGuard LabsCara Lin
GoTitan Botnet - Ongoing Exploitation on Apache ActiveMQ
2023-11-26Medium shaddy43Shayan Ahmed Khan
From Infection to Encryption: Tracing the Impact of RYUK Ransomware
2023-11-24Medium g0njxag0njxa
Approaching stealers devs : a brief interview with Recordbreaker
Raccoon RecordBreaker