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2021-06-09Twitter (@alberto__segura)Alberto Segura
Tweet on Flubt version 4.5
2021-06-09Twitter (@RedDrip7)RedDrip7
Tweet on in the wild exploit of CVE-2021-26868 (according to @_clem1)
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-09ESET ResearchMatthieu Faou, Thomas Dupuy
Gelsemium: When threat actors go gardening
2021-06-09The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Russian hackers breached Dutch police systems in 2017
2021-06-09Twitter (@SecurityJoes)SecurityJoes
Tweet on .NET builder of a Ryuk imposter malware
2021-06-09ESET ResearchMatthieu Faou, Thomas Dupuy
Gelsemium: When threat actors go gardening
2021-06-09Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Doel Santos
Prometheus Ransomware Gang: A Group of REvil?
Hakbit Prometheus REvil
2021-06-08GdataKarsten Hahn
Picture this: Malware Hides in Steam Profile Images
2021-06-08Sentinel LABSJuan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
ThunderCats Hack the FSB | Your Taxes Didn’t Pay For This Op
Mail-O Tmanger TA428
LOKIBOT - A commodity malware
Loki Password Stealer (PWS)
2021-06-08Medium BI.ZONEMaxim Suhanov
Measured Boot and Malware Signatures: exploring two vulnerabilities found in the Windows loader
2021-06-08MicrosoftYossi Weizman
New large-scale campaign targets Kubeflow
2021-06-08The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Microsoft patches six Windows zero-days, including a commercial exploit
2021-06-08Intel 471Intel 471
The blurry boundaries between nation-state actors and the cybercrime underground
Dridex Gameover P2P
2021-06-08KasperskyAlexey Kulaev, Boris Larin, Costin Raiu
PuzzleMaker attacks with Chrome zero-day exploit chain
Chainshot puzzlemaker
2021-06-08Trend MicroDavid Sancho, Feike Hacquebord, Fernando Mercês, Ian Kenefick, Mayra Fuentes, Robert McArdle, Stephen Hilt, Vladimir Kropotov
Modern Ransomware’s Double Extortion Tactics and How to Protect Enterprises Against Them
2021-06-08SentinelOneJuan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
ThunderCats Hack the FSB | Your Taxes Didn’t Pay For This Op
Mail-O SManager Tmanger
2021-06-08CrowdStrikePatrick Bennett
UAL Thank Us Later: Leveraging User Access Logging for Forensic Investigations
2021-06-08Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Nathaniel Quist
TeamTNT Using WatchDog TTPs to Expand Its Cryptojacking Footprint
2021-06-08Advanced IntelligenceVitali Kremez, Yelisey Boguslavskiy
From QBot...with REvil Ransomware: Initial Attack Exposure of JBS
QakBot REvil