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2021-05-19The Wall Street JournalCollin Eaton
Colonial Pipeline CEO Tells Why He Paid Hackers a $4.4 Million Ransom
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-05-19Twitter (@ThreatFabric)ThreatFabric
Tweet on Anatsa android banking trojan targeting 7 more italian banks
2021-05-18CrowdStrikeKaran Sood, Liviu Arsene, Shaun Hurley
DarkSide Goes Dark: How CrowdStrike Falcon Customers Were Protected
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-05-18KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIESRadu Emanuel Chiscariu
DarkSide Ransomware Behavior and Techniques
2021-05-18Bleeping ComputerIonut Ilascu
DarkSide ransomware made $90 million in just nine months
DarkSide DarkSide Egregor Gandcrab Mailto Maze REvil Ryuk
2021-05-18Github (Finch4)Finch
Analysis of MountLocker
Mount Locker
2021-05-18RECON INFOSECAndrew Cook
An Encounter With TA551/Shathak
2021-05-18SophosGreg Iddon, John Shier, Mat Gangwer, Peter Mackenzie
The Active Adversary Playbook 2021
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz
2021-05-18BlackberryBlackBerry Threat Research and Intelligence Team
Strong ARMing with MacOS: Adventures in Cross-Platform Emulation
2021-05-18ElasticApoorva Joshi, Craig Chamberlain, Disha Dasgupta
ProblemChild: Detecting living-off-the-land attacks using the Elastic Stack
2021-05-18Youtube (AhmedS Kasmani)AhmedS Kasmani
Malware Analysis: Agent Tesla Part 1/2 Extraction of final payload from dropper.
Agent Tesla
2021-05-18Trend MicroAlfredo Oliveira, David Fiser
TeamTNT’s Extended Credential Harvester Targets Cloud Services, Other Software
2021-05-18Medium (Cryptax)Axelle Apvrille
A native packer for Android/MoqHao
2021-05-18Digital ShadowsPhoton Research Team
Examining Russian-language Cybercriminal Marketplaces
2021-05-18The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Darkside gang estimated to have made over $90 million from ransomware attacks
DarkSide DarkSide Mailto Maze REvil Ryuk
2021-05-18EllipticTom Robinson
DarkSide Ransomware has Netted Over $90 million in Bitcoin
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-05-18BitdefenderAron Radu, Bogdan Botezatu, George Mihali, Mihai Neagu, Ștefan Trifescu
New WastedLoader Campaign Delivered Through RIG Exploit Kit
WastedLoader WastedLocker
2021-05-17Back Engineering_xeroxz
VMProtect 2 - Detailed Analysis of the Virtual Machine Architecture
2021-05-17xorhex blogTwitter (@xorhex)
Mustang Panda PlugX - Pivot
2021-05-17Medium s2wlabDenise Dasom Kim, Hyunmin Suh, Jungyeon Lim, YH Jeong
W3 May | EN | Story of the week: Code Signing Certificate on the Darkweb