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2020-08-26ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
Threat Actor Profile: TA2719 Uses Colorful Lures to Deliver RATs in Local Languages
AsyncRAT Nanocore RAT TA2719
2020-07-17ProofpointSherrod DeGrippo
TA547 Pivots from Ursnif Banking Trojan to Ransomware in Australian Campaign
2020-06-22ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team, Sherrod DeGrippo
Hakbit Ransomware Campaign Against Germany, Austria, Switzerland
CloudEyE Hakbit
2020-06-10ProofpointDennis Schwarz
FlowCloud Version 4.1.3 Malware Analysis
2020-06-08ProofpointDennis Schwarz, Georgi Mladenov, Michael Raggi, Proofpoint Threat Research Team
TA410: The Group Behind LookBack Attacks Against U.S. Utilities Sector Returns with New Malware
FlowCloud Lookback APT10 TA410
2020-05-20ProofpointDennis Schwarz, Matthew Mesa, Proofpoint Threat Research Team
ZLoader Loads Again: New ZLoader Variant Returns
2020-04-23ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
Threat Actors Repurpose Hupigon in Adult Dating Attacks Targeting US Universities
2020-03-18ProofpointAxel F, Sam Scholten
Coronavirus Threat Landscape Update
Agent Tesla Get2 ISFB Remcos
2020-03-16ProofpointSherrod DeGrippo
TA505 and Others Launch New Coronavirus Campaigns; Now the Largest Collection of Attack Types in Years
RedLine Stealer
2020-03-16ProofpointAxel F, Jeremy H, Proofpoint Threat Insight Team
New RedLine Stealer Distributed Using Coronavirus-themed Email Campaign
RedLine Stealer
2020-03-05ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
GuLoader: A Popular New VB6 Downloader that Abuses Cloud Services
2019-12-04ProofpointAxel F, Dennis Schwarz, Kafeine, Kelsey Merriman
Buer, a new loader emerges in the underground marketplace
2019-11-14ProofpointBryan Campbell, Proofpoint Threat Insight Team
TA2101 plays government imposter to distribute malware to German, Italian, and US organizations
Maze TA2101
2019-10-16ProofpointAxel F, Dennis Schwarz, Kafeine, Matthew Mesa, Proofpoint Threat Insight Team
TA505 Distributes New SDBbot Remote Access Trojan with Get2 Downloader
Get2 SDBbot TA505
TA505 Timeline
2019-10-14ProofpointProofpoint Threat Insight Team
Threat Actor Profile: TA407, the Silent Librarian
Silent Librarian
2019-09-26ProofpointBryan Campbell, Jeremy Hedges, Proofpoint Threat Insight Team
New WhiteShadow downloader uses Microsoft SQL to retrieve malware
WhiteShadow Agent Tesla Azorult Crimson RAT Formbook Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT Remcos
2019-09-22ProofpointMichael Raggi, Proofpoint Threat Insight Team
LookBack Forges Ahead: Continued Targeting of the United States’ Utilities Sector Reveals Additional Adversary TTPs
Lookback TA410
2019-09-06ProofpointProofpoint Threat Insight Team
PsiXBot Now Using Google DNS over HTTPS and Possible New Sexploitation Module
2019-09-05ProofpointMichael Walsh, Proofpoint Threat Insight Team
Seems Phishy: Back to School Lures Target University Students and Staff
Silent Librarian