win.nanocore (Back to overview)

Nanocore RAT

aka: Nancrat, NanoCore

Actor(s): APT33, The Gorgon Group


Nanocore is a Remote Access Tool used to steal credentials and to spy on cameras. It as been used for a while by numerous criminal actors as well as by nation state threat actors.

2025-02-27Medium b.magnezi0xMrMagnezi
NanoCore Malware Analysis
Nanocore RAT
2024-09-03Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Advanced Cyberchef Techniques - Defeating Nanocore Obfuscation With Math and Flow Control
Nanocore RAT
2024-05-14Check Point ResearchAntonis Terefos, Tera0017
Foxit PDF “Flawed Design” Exploitation
Rafel RAT Agent Tesla AsyncRAT DCRat DONOT Nanocore RAT NjRAT Pony Remcos Venom RAT XWorm
2023-10-12SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q3 2023
FluBot AsyncRAT Ave Maria Cobalt Strike DCRat Havoc IcedID ISFB Nanocore RAT NjRAT QakBot Quasar RAT RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Rhadamanthys Sliver Stealc Tofsee Vidar
2023-10-12Cluster25Cluster25 Threat Intel Team
CVE-2023-38831 Exploited by Pro-Russia Hacking Groups in RU-UA Conflict Zone for Credential Harvesting Operations
Agent Tesla Crimson RAT Nanocore RAT SmokeLoader
2023-09-21Medium shaddy43Shayan Ahmed Khan
Secrets of commercial RATs! NanoCore dissected
Nanocore RAT
2023-04-10Check PointCheck Point
March 2023’s Most Wanted Malware: New Emotet Campaign Bypasses Microsoft Blocks to Distribute Malicious OneNote Files
Agent Tesla CloudEyE Emotet Formbook Nanocore RAT NjRAT QakBot Remcos Tofsee
2023-02-03CloudsekDeepanjli Paulraj, Pavan Karthick M
Threat Actors Abuse AI-Generated Youtube Videos to Spread Stealer Malware
Alfonso Stealer Bandit Stealer Cameleon Fabookie Lumma Stealer Nanocore RAT Panda Stealer RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Stealc STOP Vidar zgRAT
2023-01-09YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
Malware Analysis - VBS Decoding With Cyberchef (Nanocore Loader)
Nanocore RAT
2022-10-13SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q3 2022
FluBot Arkei Stealer AsyncRAT Ave Maria BumbleBee Cobalt Strike DCRat Dridex Emotet Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT QakBot RecordBreaker RedLine Stealer Remcos Socelars Tofsee Vjw0rm
2022-08-30Medium the_abjuri5tJohn F
NanoCore RAT Hunting Guide
Nanocore RAT
2022-08-17SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
DarkTortilla Malware Analysis
Agent Tesla AsyncRAT Cobalt Strike DarkTortilla Nanocore RAT RedLine Stealer
2022-08-17360360 Threat Intelligence Center
Kasablanka organizes attacks against political groups and non-profit organizations in the Middle East
SpyNote Loda Nanocore RAT NjRAT
2022-05-19BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
.NET Stubs: Sowing the Seeds of Discord (PureCrypter)
Aberebot AbstractEmu AdoBot 404 Keylogger Agent Tesla Amadey AsyncRAT Ave Maria BitRAT BluStealer Formbook LimeRAT Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT Orcus RAT Quasar RAT Raccoon RedLine Stealer WhisperGate
2022-05-12MorphisecHido Cohen
New SYK Crypter Distributed Via Discord
AsyncRAT Ave Maria Nanocore RAT NjRAT Quasar RAT RedLine Stealer
2022-04-26Trend MicroLord Alfred Remorin, Ryan Flores, Stephen Hilt
How Cybercriminals Abuse Cloud Tunneling Services
AsyncRAT Cobalt Strike DarkComet Meterpreter Nanocore RAT
2022-04-15Center for Internet SecurityCIS
Top 10 Malware March 2022
Mirai Shlayer Agent Tesla Ghost RAT Nanocore RAT SectopRAT solarmarker Zeus
2022-03-27Medium M3H51NM3H51N
Malware Analysis — NanoCore Rat
Nanocore RAT
VirusTotal's 2021 Malware Trends Report
Anubis AsyncRAT BlackMatter Cobalt Strike DanaBot Dridex Khonsari MimiKatz Mirai Nanocore RAT Orcus RAT
2022-02-08Intel 471Intel 471
PrivateLoader: The first step in many malware schemes
Dridex Kronos LockBit Nanocore RAT NjRAT PrivateLoader Quasar RAT RedLine Stealer Remcos SmokeLoader STOP Tofsee TrickBot Vidar
RiskIQ: Malicious Infrastructure Connected to Particular Windows Host Certificates
AsyncRAT BitRAT Nanocore RAT
2022-01-12CiscoChetan Raghuprasad, Vanja Svajcer
Nanocore, Netwire and AsyncRAT spreading campaign uses public cloud infrastructure
AsyncRAT Nanocore RAT NetWire RC
2021-12-13RiskIQJordan Herman
RiskIQ: Connections between Nanocore, Netwire, and AsyncRAT and Vjw0rm dynamic DNS C2 infrastructure
AsyncRAT Nanocore RAT NetWire RC Vjw0rm
2021-11-29Trend MicroJaromír Hořejší
Campaign Abusing Legitimate Remote Administrator Tools Uses Fake Cryptocurrency Websites
AsyncRAT Azorult Nanocore RAT NjRAT RedLine Stealer Remcos
2021-10-27ProofpointJoe Wise, Selena Larson
New Threat Actor Spoofs Philippine Government, COVID-19 Health Data in Widespread RAT Campaigns
Nanocore RAT Remcos TA2722
2021-09-20Trend MicroAliakbar Zahravi, William Gamazo Sanchez
Water Basilisk Uses New HCrypt Variant to Flood Victims with RAT Payloads
Ave Maria BitRAT LimeRAT Nanocore RAT NjRAT Quasar RAT
2021-09-03Trend MicroMohamad Mokbel
The State of SSL/TLS Certificate Usage in Malware C&C Communications
AdWind ostap AsyncRAT BazarBackdoor BitRAT Buer Chthonic CloudEyE Cobalt Strike DCRat Dridex FindPOS GootKit Gozi IcedID ISFB Nanocore RAT Orcus RAT PandaBanker Qadars QakBot Quasar RAT Rockloader ServHelper Shifu SManager TorrentLocker TrickBot Vawtrak Zeus Zloader
2021-07-12Cipher Tech SolutionsClaire Zaboeva, Dan Dash, Melissa Frydrych
RoboSki and Global Recovery: Automation to Combat Evolving Obfuscation
404 Keylogger Agent Tesla AsyncRAT Ave Maria Azorult BitRAT Formbook HawkEye Keylogger Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT Quasar RAT RedLine Stealer Remcos
2021-07-12IBMClaire Zaboeva, Dan Dash, Melissa Frydrych
RoboSki and Global Recovery: Automation to Combat Evolving Obfuscation
404 Keylogger Agent Tesla AsyncRAT Ave Maria Azorult BitRAT Formbook HawkEye Keylogger Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT Quasar RAT RedLine Stealer Remcos
2021-05-05ZscalerAniruddha Dolas, Manohar Ghule, Mohd Sadique
Catching RATs Over Custom Protocols Analysis of top non-HTTP/S threats
Agent Tesla AsyncRAT Crimson RAT CyberGate Ghost RAT Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT Quasar RAT Remcos
2021-04-21TalosVanja Svajcer
A year of Fajan evolution and Bloomberg themed campaigns
MASS Logger Nanocore RAT NetWire RC Revenge RAT XpertRAT
2021-03-11TrustwaveDiana Lopera
Image File Trickery Part II: Fake Icon Delivers NanoCore
Nanocore RAT
Year of the Gopher A 2020 Go Malware Round-Up
NiuB WellMail elf.wellmess ArdaMax AsyncRAT CyberGate DarkComet Glupteba Nanocore RAT Nefilim NjRAT Quasar RAT WellMess Zebrocy
2020-12-21Cisco TalosJON MUNSHAW
2020: The year in malware
WolfRAT Prometei Poet RAT Agent Tesla Astaroth Ave Maria CRAT Emotet Gozi IndigoDrop JhoneRAT Nanocore RAT NjRAT Oblique RAT SmokeLoader StrongPity WastedLocker Zloader
Alert (AA20-345A): Cyber Actors Target K-12 Distance Learning Education to Cause Disruptions and Steal Data
PerlBot Shlayer Agent Tesla Cerber Dridex Ghost RAT Kovter Maze MedusaLocker Nanocore RAT Nefilim REvil Ryuk Zeus
2020-11-18G DataG-Data
Business as usual: Criminal Activities in Times of a Global Pandemic
Agent Tesla Nanocore RAT NetWire RC Remcos
2020-09-18SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Elfin: Latest U.S. Indictments Appear to Target Iranian Espionage Group
Nanocore RAT
FBI PIN Number 20200917-001: IRGC-Associated Cyber Operations Against US Company Networks
MimiKatz Nanocore RAT
2020-09-10Medium mariohenkelMario Henkel
Decrypting NanoCore config and dump all plugins
Nanocore RAT
2020-08-26ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
Threat Actor Profile: TA2719 Uses Colorful Lures to Deliver RATs in Local Languages
AsyncRAT Nanocore RAT TA2719
2020-07-30SpamhausSpamhaus Malware Labs
Spamhaus Botnet Threat Update Q2 2020
AdWind Agent Tesla Arkei Stealer AsyncRAT Ave Maria Azorult DanaBot Emotet IcedID ISFB KPOT Stealer Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT Pony Raccoon RedLine Stealer Remcos Zloader
2020-06-07Zero2Automated Blog0verfl0w_
Dealing with Obfuscated Macros, Statically - NanoCore
Nanocore RAT
2020-05-26CrowdStrikeGuillermo Taibo
Weaponized Disk Image Files: Analysis, Trends and Remediation
Nanocore RAT
2020-05-14360 Total Securitykate
Vendetta - new threat actor from Europe
Nanocore RAT Remcos
2020-04-15ZscalerSudeep Singh
Multistage FreeDom loader used in Aggah Campaign to spread Nanocore and AZORult
Azorult Nanocore RAT
2020-04-04MalwareInDepthMyrtus 0x0
Nanocore & CypherIT
Nanocore RAT
2020-04-01CiscoAndrea Kaiser, Shyam Sundar Ramaswami
Navigating Cybersecurity During a Pandemic: Latest Malware and Threat Actors
Azorult CloudEyE Formbook KPOT Stealer Metamorfo Nanocore RAT NetWire RC TrickBot
2020-03-20BitdefenderLiviu Arsene
5 Times More Coronavirus-themed Malware Reports during March
ostap HawkEye Keylogger Koadic Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT Remcos
2020-02-13TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Nick Biasini
Threat actors attempt to capitalize on coronavirus outbreak
Emotet Nanocore RAT Parallax RAT
BayWorld event, Cyber Attack Against Foreign Trade Industry
Azorult Formbook Nanocore RAT Revenge RAT
POWERTON pupy Imminent Monitor RAT Koadic Nanocore RAT NetWire RC PoshC2 APT33
2019-09-26ProofpointBryan Campbell, Jeremy Hedges, Proofpoint Threat Insight Team
New WhiteShadow downloader uses Microsoft SQL to retrieve malware
WhiteShadow Agent Tesla Azorult Crimson RAT Formbook Nanocore RAT NetWire RC NjRAT Remcos
2019-09-19NSHCThreatRecon Team
Hagga of SectorH01 continues abusing Bitly, Blogger and Pastebin to deliver RevengeRAT and NanoCore
Nanocore RAT Revenge RAT
2019-08-25Github (threatland)ThreatLand
Nanocor Sample
Nanocore RAT
2019-05-05GoggleHeadedHacker BlogJacob Pimental
Unpacking NanoCore Sample Using AutoIT
Nanocore RAT
2019-03-27SymantecCritical Attack Discovery and Intelligence Team
Elfin: Relentless Espionage Group Targets Multiple Organizations in Saudi Arabia and U.S.
DarkComet MimiKatz Nanocore RAT NetWire RC pupy Quasar RAT Remcos StoneDrill TURNEDUP APT33
2019-03-27SymantecSecurity Response Attack Investigation Team
Elfin: Relentless Espionage Group Targets Multiple Organizations in Saudi Arabia and U.S.
DarkComet Nanocore RAT pupy Quasar RAT Remcos TURNEDUP APT33
2018-08-02Palo Alto Networks Unit 42David Fuertes, Josh Grunzweig, Kyle Wilhoit, Robert Falcone
The Gorgon Group: Slithering Between Nation State and Cybercrime
Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT NjRAT Quasar RAT Remcos Revenge RAT
2018-02-26Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
Nanocore RAT Author Gets 33 Months in Prison
Nanocore RAT
2017-09-20FireEyeJacqueline O’Leary, Josiah Kimble, Kelli Vanderlee, Nalani Fraser
Insights into Iranian Cyber Espionage: APT33 Targets Aerospace and Energy Sectors and has Ties to Destructive Malware
Yara Rules
[TLP:WHITE] win_nanocore_w0 (20170517 | No description)
rule win_nanocore_w0 {
        author = " Kevin Breen <>"
        date = "2014/04"
        ref = ""
        maltype = "Remote Access Trojan"
        filetype = "exe"
		source = ""
        malpedia_reference = ""
        malpedia_version = "20170517"
        malpedia_license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
        malpedia_sharing = "TLP:WHITE"

        $a = "NanoCore"
        $b = "ClientPlugin"
        $c = "ProjectData"
        $d = "DESCrypto"
        $e = "KeepAlive"
        $f = "IPNETROW"
        $g = "LogClientMessage"
		$h = "|ClientHost"
		$i = "get_Connected"
		$j = "#=q"
        $key = {43 6f 24 cb 95 30 38 39}

        6 of them
Download all Yara Rules