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Operation Quicksand: MuddyWater’s Offensive Attack Against Israeli Organizations
PowGoop Covicli
2020-10-15ZDNetCatalin Cimpanu
Ubisoft, Crytek data posted on ransomware gang's site
2020-10-15NTT SecurityHiroki Hada
Panda’s New Arsenal: Part 1 Tmanger
2020-10-15Kaspersky LabsFélix Aime, Ivan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher
IAmTheKing and the SlothfulMedia malware family
2020-10-15Intel 471Intel 471
That was quick: Trickbot is back after disruption attempts
2020-10-14ID RansomwareAndrew Ivanov
LV Ransomware
2020-10-14CrowdStrikeThe Falcon Complete Team
Duck Hunting with Falcon Complete: Remediating a Fowl Banking Trojan, Part 3
CP-000135-DM: Unattributed Entities Register Domains Spoofing the US Census Bureau’s Websites, Likely for Malicious Use
FBI FLASH MU-000136-MW: Cyber ActorsTarget Misconfigured SonarQube Instances to Access Proprietary Source Code of US Government Agencies and Businesses
2020-10-14FireEyeAndrew Moore, Genevieve Stark, Jacqueline O’Leary, Kimberly Goody, Nalani Fraser, Vincent Cannon
FIN11: Widespread Email Campaigns as Precursor for Ransomware and Data Theft
2020-10-14Medium CyCraftCyCraft Technology Corp
Taiwan Government Targeted by Multiple Cyberattacks in April 2020 Part 2: Owlproxy Malware
2020-10-14RiskIQJon Gross, Steve Ginty
A Well-Marked Trail: Journeying through OceanLotus's Infrastructure
Cobalt Strike
2020-10-14360 Total Securitykate
Secret Stealing Trojan Active in Brazil Releases the New Framework SolarSys
2020-10-14Avast DecodedJan Vojtěšek
FakeMBAM: Backdoor Delivered Through Software Updates
2020-10-14Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Ken Hsu, Qi Deng, Vaibhav Singhal, Yue Guan
Two New IoT Vulnerabilities Identified with Mirai Payloads
2020-10-14MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Silent Librarian APT right on schedule for 20/21 academic year
2020-10-14SophosSean Gallagher
They’re back: inside a new Ryuk ransomware attack
Cobalt Strike Ryuk SystemBC
2020-10-14Netzpolitik.orgAndre Meister
German Made State Malware Company FinFisher Raided
FinFisher FinFisher FinFisher FinFisher RAT
2020-10-13Nozomi NetworksAlessandro Di Pinto
Overcoming the Challenges of Detecting P2P Botnets on Your Network
2020-10-13blackarrowBorja Merino
Attackers Abuse MobileIron’s RCE to deliver Kaiten