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2020-03-20RECON INFOSECLuke Rusten
Analysis Of Exploitation: CVE-2020-10189 ( exploited by APT41)
Cobalt Strike
2020-03-20KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
The Case for Limiting Your Browser Extensions
2020-03-20Dissecting MalwareMarius Genheimer
Jamba Superdeal: Helo Sir, you want to buy mask? - Corona Safety Mask SMS Scam
Coronavirus Android Worm
2020-03-20BitdefenderLiviu Arsene
5 Times More Coronavirus-themed Malware Reports during March
ostap HawkEye Keylogger Koadic Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Nanocore RAT Remcos
2020-03-20Medium SebdravenSébastien Larinier
New version of chinoxy backdoor using COVID19 alerts document lure
8.t Dropper Chinoxy
Analysis of malware taking advantage of the Covid-19 epidemic to spread fake "Directive of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc" - Part 2
2020-03-19Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Ken Hsu, Ruchna Nigam, Zhibin Zhang
New Mirai Variant Targets Zyxel Network-Attached Storage Devices
2020-03-19Twitter (@TheEnergyStory)Dominik Reichel
Tweet on early GuLoader samples dating back to October 2019
The Curious Case of the Criminal Curriculum Vitae
LALALA Stealer NetSupportManager RAT Rekt Loader
2020-03-19YoroiMarco Ramilli
Is APT 27 Abusing COVID-19 To Attack People ?!
Tweet on Eventbot
2020-03-19ZscalerShivang Desai
New Android App Offers Coronavirus Safety Mask But Delivers SMS Trojan
Coronavirus Android Worm
2020-03-19ESET ResearchVladislav Hrčka
Stantinko’s new cryptominer features unique obfuscation techniques
2020-03-19ZDNetCatalin Cimpanu
France warns of new ransomware gang targeting local governments
2020-03-19Twitter (@MBThreatIntel)Malwarebytes Threat Intelligence Team
Tweet on Poulight Stealer
Poulight Stealer
2020-03-19Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
RedLine Info-Stealing Malware Spread by Folding@home Phishing
RedLine Stealer
2020-03-18ID RansomwareAndrew Ivanov
Sekhmet Ransomware
2020-03-18Dissecting MalwareMarius Genheimer
Why would you even bother?! - JavaLocker
2020-03-18ProofpointAxel F, Sam Scholten
Coronavirus Threat Landscape Update
Agent Tesla Get2 ISFB Remcos
Rapport Menaces et Incidents du CERT-FR: Attaques par le rançongiciel Mespinoza/Pysa