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2022-04-05Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Earle Earnshaw, Ian Kenefick, Lucas Silva, Mohamed Fahmy, Ryan Maglaque
Thwarting Loaders: From SocGholish to BLISTER’s LockBit Payload
Blister LockBit
2022-04-05Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Earle Maui Earnshaw, Ian Kenefick, Lucas Silva, Mohamed Fahmy, Ryan Maglaque
Thwarting Loaders: From SocGholish to BLISTER’s LockBit Payload
2022-04-05Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Earle Maui Earnshaw, Ian Kenefick, Lucas Silva, Mohamed Fahmy, Ryan Maglaque
Thwarting Loaders: From SocGholish to BLISTER’s LockBit Payload (IoCs)
2022-03-25Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Jay Yaneza, Sherif Magdy
Purple Fox Uses New Arrival Vector and Improves Malware Arsenal
FatalRat PurpleFox
2022-03-25Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Jay Yaneza, Sherif Magdy
Purple Fox Uses New Arrival Vector and Improves Malware Arsenal
2022-03-25Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Jay Yaneza, Sherif Magdy
Purple Fox Uses New Arrival Vector and Improves Malware Arsenal (Technical Brief)
2022-03-25Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Jay Yaneza, Sherif Magdy
Purple Fox Uses New Arrival Vector and Improves Malware Arsenal (IOCs)
2021-12-13Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Jay Yaneza, Sherif Magdy
A Look Into Purple Fox’s Server Infrastructure
2021-11-19Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Mohamed Fahmy, Sherif Magdy
Squirrelwaffle Exploits ProxyShell and ProxyLogon to Hijack Email Chains
Cobalt Strike QakBot Squirrelwaffle
2021-11-17Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Mohamed Fahmy, Ryan Maglaque, Sherif Magdy
Analyzing ProxyShell-related Incidents via Trend Micro Managed XDR
Cobalt Strike Cotx RAT
2021-10-19Trend MicroAbdelrhman Sharshar, Jay Yaneza, Sherif Magdy
PurpleFox Adds New Backdoor That Uses WebSockets
FoxSocket PurpleFox