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2024-01-19KrollDavid Truman
Inside the SYSTEMBC Command-and-Control Server
2024-01-18KrollSean Straw
Open the DARKGATE – Brute Forcing DARKGATE Encodings
2023-06-23KrollGeorge Glass, Keith Wojcieszek, Ryan Hicks
Deep Dive into GOOTLOADER Malware and Its Infection Chain
2023-02-13KrollLaurie Iacono, Stephen Green
Royal Ransomware Deep Dive
Cobalt Strike Royal Ransom
2023-02-02KrollElio Biasiotto, Stephen Green
Hive Ransomware Technical Analysis and Initial Access Discovery
BATLOADER Cobalt Strike Hive
2023-01-23KrollElio Biasiotto, Stephen Green
Black Basta – Technical Analysis
Black Basta Cobalt Strike MimiKatz QakBot SystemBC
2022-12-13KrollDave Truman, George Glass, Keith Wojcieszek, Stephen Green
Threat Actors use Google Ads to Deploy VIDAR Stealer
2022-06-02KrollSean Straw
ModPipe POS Malware: New Hooking Targets Extract Card Data
2022-05-27KrollCole Manaster, Elio Biasiotto, George Glass
Emotet Analysis: New LNKs in the Infection Chain – The Monitor, Issue 20
2022-04-18RiskIQJennifer Grob
RiskIQ: Trickbot Rickroll
2022-03-22KrollCole Manaster, Pierson Clair
Analyzing Exmatter: A Ransomware Data Exfiltration Tool