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2022-08-04PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Flying in the clouds: APT31 renews its attacks on Russian companies through cloud storage
Stealer0x3401 YaRAT
2021-09-30PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Masters of Mimicry: new APT group ChamelGang and its arsenal
Cobalt Strike
2021-04-27Positive TechnologiesPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Lazarus Group Recruitment: Threat Hunters vs Head Hunters
2021-01-14PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Higaisa or Winnti? APT41 backdoors, old and new
Cobalt Strike CROSSWALK FunnySwitch PlugX ShadowPad
2020-06-16PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Cobalt: tactics and tools update
2020-06-04PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
COVID-19 and New Year greetings: an investigation into the tools and methods used by the Higaisa group
Ghost RAT
2020-05-24Positive TechnologiesPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Operation TA505: network infrastructure. Part 3.
AndroMut Buhtrap SmokeLoader
2020-05-22Positive TechnologiesPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Operation TA505: investigating the ServHelper backdoor with NetSupport RAT. Part 2.
NetSupportManager RAT ServHelper
2020-05-20PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Operation TA505: how we analyzed new tools from the creators of the Dridex trojan, Locky ransomware, and Neutrino botnet
2019-11-11PTSecurityPT ESC Threat Intelligence
Operation TA505, part four. Twins