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2024-08-01KrakzPierre Le Bourhis
Latrodectus dropped by BR4
Brute Ratel C4 Latrodectus
2024-06-03SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Sekoia TDR
PikaBot: a Guide to its Deep Secrets and Operations
2024-03-10KrakzPierre Le Bourhis
SysWhispers2 analysis
2023-11-20SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis
DarkGate Internals
2023-07-12SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
CustomerLoader: a new malware distributing a wide variety of payloads
2023-05-13SekoiaJeremy Scion, Livia Tibirna, Pierre Le Bourhis, Sekoia TDR
Mallox affiliate leverages PureCrypter in MS-SQL exploitation campaigns
PureCrypter TargetCompany
2023-03-29KrakzPierre Le Bourhis
BumbleBee notes
2023-02-20SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
Stealc: a copycat of Vidar and Raccoon infostealers gaining in popularity – Part 1
2022-12-22SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
New RisePro Stealer distributed by the prominent PrivateLoader
2022-11-21SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
Aurora: a rising stealer flying under the radar
Aurora Stealer
2022-06-29SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
Raccoon Stealer v2 – Part 2: In-depth analysis
2022-06-28SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
Raccoon Stealer v2 – Part 1: The return of the dead
2022-06-13SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
BumbleBee: a new trendy loader for Initial Access Brokers
2022-04-07SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
Mars, a red-hot information stealer
Mars Stealer