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2025-02-25Félix Aime, Jeremy Scion, Sekoia TDR
PolarEdge: Unveiling an uncovered ORB network
2024-11-13SekoiaColine Chavane, Sekoia TDR
A three-beat waltz: The ecosystem behind Chinese state-sponsored cyber threats
2024-10-17SekoiaQuentin Bourgue, Sekoia TDR
ClickFix tactic: The Phantom Meet
Rhadamanthys Stealc
2024-07-15SekoiaSekoia TDR
MuddyWater replaces Atera by custom MuddyRot implant in a recent campaign
2024-06-03SekoiaPierre Le Bourhis, Quentin Bourgue, Sekoia TDR
PikaBot: a Guide to its Deep Secrets and Operations
2024-05-21SekoiaAmaury G., Coline Chavane, Kilian Seznec, Sekoia TDR
Master of Puppets: Uncovering the DoppelGänger pro-Russian influence campaign
2024-03-01SekoiaSekoia TDR
NoName057(16)’s DDoSia project: 2024 updates and behavioural shifts
2023-12-13SekoiaSekoia TDR
CALISTO doxxing: findings concurs to Reuters’ investigation on FSB-related Andrey Korinets
2023-05-13SekoiaJeremy Scion, Livia Tibirna, Pierre Le Bourhis, Sekoia TDR
Mallox affiliate leverages PureCrypter in MS-SQL exploitation campaigns
PureCrypter TargetCompany
2023-02-21SekoiaLivia Tibirna, Maxime A, Sekoia TDR
One Year After: The Cyber Implications of the Russo-Ukrainian War
2022-12-05SekoiaFélix Aime, Maxime A, Sekoia TDR
Calisto show interests into entities involved in Ukraine war support