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2023-03-16MandiantAlexander Marvi, BRAD SLAYBAUGH, DAN EBREO, Muhammad Umair, TINA JOHNSON, Tufail Ahmed
Fortinet Zero-Day and Custom Malware Used by Suspected Chinese Actor in Espionage Operation
2022-09-29MandiantAlexander Marvi, Jeremy Koppen, Jonathan Lepore, Tufail Ahmed
Bad VIB(E)s Part One: Investigating Novel Malware Persistence Within ESXi Hypervisors
2022-03-28MandiantBrandon Wilbur, Dallin Warne, Geoff Ackerman, James Maclachlan, John Wolfram, Tufail Ahmed
Forged in Fire: A Survey of MobileIron Log4Shell Exploitation
2022-02-24MandiantEmiel Haeghebaert, Ryan Tomcik, Tufail Ahmed
Left On Read: Telegram Malware Spotted in Latest Iranian Cyber Espionage Activity