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2021-08-23Youtube (SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Response)Chad Tilbury
Keynote: Cobalt Strike Threat Hunting
Cobalt Strike
2021-03-09Youtube (SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Response)Eric Loui, Sergei Frankoff
Jackpotting ESXi Servers For Maximum Encryption | Eric Loui & Sergei Frankoff | SANS CTI Summit 2021
DarkSide RansomEXX DarkSide RansomEXX GOLD DUPONT
2021-03-08Youtube (SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Response)Adam Pennington, Jen Burns, Katie Nickels
STAR Webcast: Making sense of SolarWinds through the lens of MITRE ATT&CK(R)
2020-10-28Youtube (SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Response)Aaron Stephens, Katie Nickels, Van Ta
STAR Webcast: Spooky RYUKy: The Return of UNC1878

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