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More Than Malware Families: Retooling Our Approach to Tracking Software
LummaC2 Revisited: What’s Making this Stealer Stealthier and More Lethal
Lumma Stealer
2024-12-16MorphisecMorphisec Labs, Nadav Lorber
CoinLurker: The Stealer Powering the Next Generation of Fake Updates
2024-10-23ForescoutVedere Labs
ICS Threats: Malware Targeting OT? It’s More Common Than You Think
2024-10-22Twitter (@threatinsight)Threat Insight
Twitter Thread attributing Voldemort to TA415 (APT41, BrassTyphoon)
2024-10-03AquaAssaf Morag, Idan Revivo
perfctl: A Stealthy Malware Targeting Millions of Linux Servers
2024-09-13Aqua NautilusAssaf Morag
Hadooken Malware Targets Weblogic Applications
2024-08-29ProofpointPim Trouerbach, Selena Larson, Tommy Madjar
The Malware That Must Not Be Named: Suspected Espionage Campaign Delivers “Voldemort”
2024-08-22MandiantAaron Lee, Praveeth DSouza
PEAKLIGHT: Decoding the Stealthy Memory-Only Malware
CryptBot Emmenhtal HijackLoader Lumma Stealer
2024-08-19AquasecAssaf Morag
PG_MEM: A Malware Hidden in the Postgres Processes
2024-08-14AquasecAssaf Morag
Gafgyt Malware Variant Exploits GPU Power and Cloud Native Environments
2024-08-02Aqua NautilusAssaf Morag
Panamorfi: A New Discord DDoS Campaign
2024-06-21Cisco TalosAshley Shen, Chetan Raghuprasad
SneakyChef espionage group targets government agencies with SugarGh0st and more infection techniques
2024-06-10The Hacker NewsRavie Lakshmanan
More_eggs Malware Disguised as Resumes Targets Recruiters in Phishing Attack
2024-06-05QurakslabFabrice Rossi, Florian Yger, Riccardo Mori, Robin David, Roxane Cohen
QBinDiff: A modular differ to enhance binary diffing and graph alignment (Slides)
2024-06-05QuarksLabFabrice Rossi, Florian Yger, Riccardo Mori, Robin David, Roxane Cohen
QBinDiff: A modular differ to enhance binary diffing and graph alignment (Video)
2024-05-22Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Stealers, stealers and more stealers
2024-04-24NCSC UKNCSC UK
Line Dancer - In-memory shellcode loader targeting Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) devices.
2024-04-15Positive TechnologiesAleksandr Badaev, Kseniya Naumova
SteganoAmor campaign: TA558 mass-attacking companies and public institutions all around the world
LokiBot 404 Keylogger Agent Tesla CloudEyE Formbook Remcos XWorm
2024-02-05ReutersMichael Perry, Neil Jerome Morales
Philippines wards off cyber attacks from China-based hackers